A Love Letter To Cleveland | The Odyssey Online
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A Love Letter To Cleveland

Written with love to the championship city.

A Love Letter To Cleveland
Spyder Online

Dear Cleveland,

I sit here today on the day of the first Indians post-season game loving my city and marveling at the change that has happened here. The entire city sits with bated breath as we impatiently wait for the clock tick down the hours until the first pitch.

This is a new thing for us. Cleveland was never supposed to make it to the post season in anything. We were always going to get just close enough to glory to break everyone’s hearts.

It seemed like we were always going to be the butt of jokes. The Mistake on the Lake. The city who’s claim to fame was “Well…at least we’re not Detroit.”

But no more.

Now we are a city of Champions.

Let’s run through what’s happened so far.

First on the night of the ESPN 30 for 30 “Believeland,” Stipe Miocic won the UFC Heavy weight title by knocking out his opponent when the clock read 2:16 (216, Cleveland’s area code (Is that a sign for things to come we all wondered). His first words post-fight: “Cleeeevelandddddd!” And the bar I was at erupted into cheers.

Then, the Cleveland Monsters, our AHL hockey team, brought home the Calder Cup Championship in a four game sweep of the Hersey Bears in front of a sellout crowd at The Q. The tide seemed to be turning in the painful history of Cleveland sports.

Next the Cleveland Cavaliers were up. The entire city sat on the edge of their seat as the Cavs dominated through the playoffs. Losing some heartbreakers and also decisively sweeping games throughout the very long series.

Then they were back on the court with the Golden State Warriors. We were all still feeling the sting of coming up short the year before when they beat us on our home court in Game 5 to take the Championship from our hands.

We were down 3-1. The Cavs took a game in the Oracle. Something that the analysts said was almost impossible to do. Now they were down 3-2 and coming home. Game 6 was electric. This was it. The chance to push a game 7 and go all the way.

I was in the Q that night and to this day I have not heard that arena louder. Curry fouling out was amazing. Watching the guys rocket up and down the court made us feel like this was our time. The Cavs pushed and pushed and pushed the entire game.

We won. 3-3. The series was tied and we stood on the brink of sports history.

We all know how the story ended. The shot by Kyrie. The block by James. And then…then we were the champs.

I cried.

I cried when LeBron fell to the floor in tears. I cried when he yelled “Cleeeevellland! This is for YOU!” I cried when they raised the trophy on Golden State’s court and then, then we partied.

Cleveland came out for our first championship parade. There was dancing and cheering in the streets. A parade that lasted six hours. Confetti everywhere. And an energy that Cleveland had never seen before.

It turned the tides of the city. Winning those championships changed the game. We became the Championship City. We hosted the RNC and all we heard all week was how great people thought Cleveland was. Everyone was happy. Downtown was alive every night. Life in Cleveland changed. We were on the map.

Now, Cleveland sits on the brink of another playoff run. The Cleveland Indians are in the American League Division Series and it’s amazing! October baseball in Cleveland is something to celebrate and now, the whole city has the confidence that we can do anything; that our sports teams can do anything.

We’re all sitting here talking about October 25th as “Cleveland Christmas” and we aren’t being cynical about it. That’s big.

On that night, the Cavs get their Championship rings and open their season.

On the night, the winner of the American League Championship Series hosts Game 1 of the World Series.

And that could be at Progressive Field.

2016 is a good year for Cleveland. Things changed. We changed. We are sports world champions with a world class Playhouse District, a nationally ranked art museum, hospitals and colleges that regularly take home accolades, restaurants and bars that serve incredible food, beaches, a waterfront, wine vineyards and on and on and on.

Hey Cleveland, that glow of pride looks good on you.

Never change.

Love Always,


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