A Lost Art: Loyalty | The Odyssey Online
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A Lost Art: Loyalty

Where have the loyal gone?

A Lost Art: Loyalty

Whatever happened to the phrase "You are only as good as your word."? This my friends, is something that seems to have gone out the door, ran away, and never look back. What is there to understand? You think loyalty is just a simple term that people would remember to input daily into their lives. Whether it be your job, school, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, faith, family, hobbies, or anything else, loyalty is a lost art.

Something I will never understand is how someone can lose faith in something so fast and how things can change in the blink of an eye. Let's say one of your best friends does something to really upset you and make you mad, but you have been best friends with them for over 4 years. Honestly time shouldn't even be an issue, if they are what you say they are, one should be able to work things out no matter what incident occurred, move on, and continue the special bond.

What about in this day and age how much relationships are affected by something as simple as social media. "Wow did you see his tweet, that was definitely directed at you. Did you see her status about calling out her boyfriend, look at how petty they look." What are some people of these past few generations going tell their grand kids how they met their spouses. Did you swipe right on tinder, did you "slide" into their direct messages. Social media dictates too many relationships nowadays of whether they work or not. What about keeping your personal business, personal, and saying what you have to, in person?

Friends and families seem to be constantly judging each other for everything they do that does not relate to their own lives. So you want to venture out of your comfort zone and travel for a year without working. So you want to marry that person you love that nobody else seems to like. So you just quit your job and school and moved somewhere totally different to start somewhere new. So you want to praise god 24/7 and you want everyone to know it. So you want to do the absolute minimum in your life and live simply. If you are true to your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. you should want that for them and you shouldn't have a care in the world otherwise. At the end of the day someone's loyalty to you is what you want, and you want them happy for you.

People are too willing to throw a scapegoat under the bus simply for having a reason to get out of something. We should remember that one of the glues that hold our society together, is loyalty. And that our word should be law, otherwise how will we ever be able to distinguish how anything should not be considered a lie. That is an unhealthy lifestyle, that no human being should have to live in, that someone assuming everything is a lie. What would people believe in without loyalty? As a human race we should be bound together in a common loyalty that transcends any and all personal selfishness for the greater good of society.

People aren't even loyal to their spouses anymore. Remember that golden phrase, "Till death do us part", meant something? Some relationships only last until the beer runs out. If loyalty where an object, you'd probably find it in a museum next to the Mona Lisa.

"Oh wow that looks beautiful, too bad it doesn't exist anymore, let's go look at the next thing". As if it were a figment of the past.

Yes, loyalty is indeed an endangered concept. If we don't do something about it in our own lives, it could quickly become a reality of extinction.

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