The Yuge List Of Celebrities That Dislike Trump
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The Yuge List Of Celebrities That Dislike Trump

This list can be even yuger.

The Yuge List Of Celebrities That Dislike Trump

Donald Trump's presidency seemed like a joke from the beginning. When the White House held the Correspondent's dinner in 2012, Seth Myers poked fun at Trump for claiming he was running for president in 2016. As this election intensifies, more celebrities had something to say about his candidacy. Here they are!

1. Chelsea Handler

When she was on "Access Hollywood," interviewer Scott Evans asked if she would interview Trump on her Netflix show Chelsea to which she replied, "I am not that irresponsible. I don't drink and drive."

2. Jennifer Lawrence

While on "The Graham Norton Show "to talk about her upcoming movie "X-Men Apocalypse," Norton asked whether or not she has met notorious candidate, Trump. She replied that she has not, but she did come close. She said, "I was at a concert that I heard he was attending. So I had my full security, I was like, ‘Find Donald Trump.’ I was adamant on finding him and making a video of me going, ‘Hey, Trump. F– you!’”

3. Robert de Niro

When de Niro attended the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival, he spoke about Trump saying, “I don’t know, it’s crazy that people like Donald Trump. He’s totally nuts.”

4. Will Smith

He did say that he might need to run for president! However, when he was promoting his new movie Suicide Squadhe said, “As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”

5. Salma Hayek

Not only did she send this tweet out about Trump, but when Salma Hayek was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel asked Hayek if she ever met Trump. She stated, "I haven't seen him since he started this part of his entertainment career," as she referred to Trump's candidacy.

6. Johnny Depp

Back when Trump was rising as a candidate for presidency, Johnny Depp mocked Trump in a 50-minute movie made by Funny or Die. Here's the link where you can watch the trailer!

7. Mark Ruffalo

There are have been several times where Mark Ruffalo has tweeted about Mr. Trump. One prime example is when he tweeted about the fact that Trump is mentioned on the Panama Papers 3,500 times.

8. Mac Miller

Mac Miller has tweeted to his followers not to elect Trump because of his bigotry. Not only has he urged his fans not to vote for the inexperienced politician, but when he was on "The Nightly Show," he gave a two minute lecture on why he hates Trump. Here it is!

9. YG, G-Eazy, and Macklemore

These young rappers all teamed up to make a fool out of Donald Trump. If you want to read the lyrics, here ya go!

9. Waka Flocka Flame

As if Twitter wasn't mentioned enough in this article, Waka Flocka also used it to tell off Trump and his supporters. He defended Mexicans and the minorities in America.

10. T.I.

On his Instagram, T.I. has used his video feature to express a few words on the presidential candidate. He has said, "Nobody who supports me will support you."

11. Stephen Hawking

When Hawking was being interviewed in a show called "Good Morning Britain," he was asked about Trump, to which he replied, "He is a demagogue."

12. Stephen King

Not only has Stephen King expressed his feelings about Trump on Twitter, but he has also signed a petition against Trump. It reads, "a political candidate who deliberately appeals to the basest and most violent elements in society."

13. Lena Dunham

When Lena Dunham went to the Democratic National Convention this past July she expressed what Trump brings about on women, "his rhetoric about women takes us back to a time when we were meant to be beautiful and silent."

14. John Legend

When Donald Trump Jr. tweeted about college students protesting at a Trump rally, Legend thought it was the perfect opportunity to reply. He also called out Trump and his son for being supported by the KKK for the discriminating policies.

15. Raury

Raury was on "The Stephen Colbert Show" where he explained what Trump presented as a candidate, "Trump embodies separation."
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