September 23 –October 22
The most common form of this myth is that the scales of Libra belong to Astraea, and that they are the scales of justice, of light and dark, of balance and unbalance, temperance and indulgence.
Astraea is the virgin goddess of justice and the holds the balance of nature and justice in the world.
The Libra constellation is connected to one of the stories of the constellation Virgo. There are many stories behind the Virgo constellation, but when we connect the Libra to Virgo the only story that plays into both mythologies surrounds Astraea as Virgo the Virgin.
Astraea is the daughter of Themis, a Titaness of divine order and law. Astraea abandoned the earth during the Iron Age to flee the wickedness of the human race. She is known for being the last immortal to live amongst the humans before leaving calling them barbaric.
When she ascended into heaven, she became the constellation Virgo and took with her the scales of justice to preside over mortals.
According to legend, Astraea is known as the Star Maiden and will one day return to the world and bring with her the utopian Golden Age.