May 21 - June 20
The story behind the Gemini twins takes us to Castor and Pollux, the sons of Leda.
These twins share the same mother, but they have different fathers. Castor's father was Tyndarus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux's father was Zeus, the god of the gods.
These two brothers did everything together, from fighting in the Trojan War (which was being fought over their sister, Helen of Troy) to searching for the Golden Fleece of Aries the Ram. Castor was known for his horsemanship and Pollux was known for his strength.
Because Castor's father was mortal, he too was mortal and because Pollux's father was a god, he was immortal. When Castor finally dies, Pollux doesn't know how to live without his brother. He begs his father Zeus to reunite him with his brother.
Because of their bravery, Zeus decides to grant Castor immortality and they are placed in the night sky together for all time. The stars in the constellations contain stars named Castor and Pollux and the way that you can tell who is who is that Castor's spear points down to show his past mortality and Pollux's points up to Mt. Olympus, representing his immortality.