Is Hair Regrowth Really Possible?
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Health and Wellness

Is Hair Regrowth Really Possible?


What do you know about hair loss serum? Hair has been described as the crowning glory. Hair loss can affect our self-esteem and confidence, and some may opt to wear scarves and hats to cope with hair loss. Losing hair can be devastating for most people. There are different reasons for hair loss, such as aging, diseases, pregnancies, and emotional issues, but there are things that can be done to regrow hair. However, the hair loss may be reversible or irreversible depending on the factors that caused it. Sometimes more than one treatment may be needed to get the desired results. Below is an outline of whether regrowth is possible as determined by the cause of hair loss;

Regrowing hair lost by genetics

This is probably the most common cause of hair loss. Genetic hair loss is usually not caused by disease. As people age, the rate of hair growth slows. Both men and women can develop genetic hair loss. The pattern of hair loss between men and women varies. The hair loss is usually gradual. The hair keeps on thinking until no more hair is produced. While women notice patches of thinning hair, men notice a receding hairline.

Hair lost genetically cannot be regrown, but treatment may help stop or slow the hair loss through an over-the-counter medication known as Minoxidil.

Regrowing hair lost by medications

Some diseases and medical conditions such as diabetes and lupus are examples of auto-immune diseases that can cause hair loss. Losing hair to autoimmune diseases is usually reversible, although eating a diet made of foods with a low glycemic index and exercising to help control blood sugar might work.

Regrowing hair lost by thyroid problems

The thyroid gland produces hormones that control almost every body function, including hair and nail growth. Extreme levels of the thyroid gland can cause hair loss. There will be hair regrowth once the hormones have been controlled to ensure the right number of hormones. The regrowth will be gradual, and it can take a month. This can be done by the right intake of iron, eating non-inflammatory food, adding herbs such as red clover to the diet, and controlling iodine.

Regrowing hair lost by pregnancy

Losing hair during and some few months after pregnancy is normal. Losing some hair during pregnancy is normal because of hormone imbalance, and hence all the hair retained during pregnancy is shed, and this might seem like hair loss while it is just shedding of hair. This type of hair loss is temporary, and the hair will regain its usual volume within a year. The scalp should be kept clean to avoid skin infections. If the hair loss is due to malnutrition, a balanced diet should be maintained.

Regrowing hair lost by hair treatment

Keeping the hair sleek and tidy can be at the expense of the hair when it is too tight and if it involves harsh chemicals and treatments. Be gentle with the hair. Any procedure that damages the hair should be avoided. The hair should not be held up in the same hairstyle for many days. The hairstyle should be changed if it is too tight. The damage caused by how hair is handled usually temporary, and the only way to ensure regrowth is by avoiding the same procedures that caused the hair loss. Hot objects should be kept away from the scalp as they can cause scarring. Scarring will cause permanent hair loss.

Since hair is the main feature in beauty standards, the hair can be damaged due to stressful hair-dos in an attempt to attain a perfect look. Hair should be handled gently. It should not be combed when wet. Harsh treatment should be avoided. Too much heat and chemical treatments can cause the hair to thin or even cause hair loss and baldness. Or pulling the hair into tight ponytails and braids can cause the hair ends to split, break off and cause a type of hair loss known as traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is hair loss caused by pulling hair into tight hairstyles until the hair breaks and comes loose. If traction alopecia persists, there will be bald spots and thinning of hair' The hair loss is usually temporary, but if it involves some scarring, the hair loss will be permanent.

Regrowing hair lost by malnutrition

Healthy hair is a sign that the person is healthy. Unhealthy people usually have weak and brittle hair. The hair is usually thin. The malnutritioned person gradually loses hair and will continue losing hair as long as the diet lacks the essential nutrients responsible for hair growth. Nutrients necessary for healthy hair are proteins, niacin, Vitamin B3, iron, and zinc. A balanced diet is very important for hair regrowth.

Regrowing hair lost by emotional issues

Hair loss is related to mental health. If the person is emotionally unwell due to grief, loss of finances, or depression, the hair follicles relax and stop producing new hair. The hair is not healthy, and it breaks easily. Some people pull out their hair when they are undergoing stress. The hair can be regrown when the stressors are removed. If the person is in grief, the hair will regrow once they heal.


There are many ways to regrow hair, and the cause of hair loss determines the treatment. Some conditions are reversible, while some are not. An underlying condition causes some conditions, and if that's the case, the hair will grow as soon as the disease is treated. Hair loss can also because by certain medications, and the hair loss is just a side effect of the drugs. Some types of hair loss resolve themselves with time. Sometimes the hair loss can be treated by natural methods, while medications and surgery can treat some. The bottom line is that the patient should seek professional advice to know the right treatment to pursue.

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