4 Novels You Should Read
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4 Novels You Should Read

A guide to a few books you won't want to put down

4 Novels You Should Read

Reading has recently become one of my favorite ways to spend my free time. When I find a good book, I find it extremely hard to put down. I will read before I go to bed or on my phone during small blocks of free time between classes or while waiting for the bus. I really didn’t get into reading until one spring break where my parents gave me a Jason Bourne novel to read on the plane. I have found that I enjoy reading so much more than TV or movies because of the convenience and their ability to help me forget about everything while I am immersed in their stories. I think everyone should find a love for reading like I have, so here is a list of great books I have come across:

1.Millennium (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) Series, Stieg Larsson, David Lagercrantz

This is my favorite series. There are now four books and the fourth was just released. The novels follow Mikael Blomkvist, a popular Swedish journalist, and Lisbeth Salander. Salander is a very small girl, with short black hair, many piercings, and a large dragon tattoo on her back. Salander is a genius computer hacker that has also taken on a vigilante-type role after being mistreated her entire childhood. Her and Blomkvist are unlikely partners, but work incredibly well together as they solve decade old mysteries, expose corruption, and break up crime syndicates amongst other things. All of the books are absolute page turners and will always leave you wanting more.

2. Jason Bourne Series, Robert Ludlum, Eric Van Lustbader

If you like the Bourne movies, James Bond movies, or the entire spy genre, then you will love these novels. Jason Bourne stars in the novels as the world’s greatest spy. He is incredibly smart and gifted with great physical abilities. He often finds himself working alone in some different corner of the world. Each book has its own plot and is a story of its own. With that being said, the books do feature a plot that spans the entire series, so it is best to read these books in order. They are long books because they have incredibly intricate plots. There are 12 titles in the series and each one is as good as the next. I highly recommend these books if you are looking for an action adventure novel.

3. "11/22/63", Stephen King

One thousand pages may seem like a huge amount, but this book feels much shorter than that. This is due to its fast moving story about an English teacher who travels back to 1958 through a time portal. The title, "11/22/63," is the date that John F. Kennedy was murdered, and this book centers around that event. This book exhibits many genres throughout; ranging from romance, action, science fiction, and even conspiracy theories. Jake has been tasked to stop the JFK assassination and the journey to this is incredibly unpredictable and detailed.

4. The Lincoln Lawyer Series, Michael Connelly

Mickey Haller is a fast thinking lawyer that works out of the back of his Lincoln Town Car. He is a defense lawyer who works in the gray area of the law. He does not discriminate on the cases he takes, defending anyone and everyone who is willing to pay. He uses negotiation and manipulation on his cases, claiming law is rarely about guilt or innocence. Haller is divorced and frequently runs into his ex-wife, a prosecutor, in the California court rooms. Each novel picks up a new case that often involves danger, deceit, and some quick thinking. These books were written with the help of attorneys so they give a pretty fair depiction of how the law really works. The mixture of law, mystery, and suspense makes these novels a thrill to read.

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