Why You Should Invest In The Local Music Scene
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Why You Should Invest In The Local Music Scene

Because your favorite band has to start somewhere.

Why You Should Invest In The Local Music Scene
Courtney Pavlis

It was discovered by chance. An advertisement stumbled upon by my mom was the simple thing that changed my life.

Let’s travel back to 2009. A time when I was crippled by anxiety and truly starting to realize it. So when my mom suggested we go check out this band that was coming to a town near us, a band called Scarlet Fade, I was hesitant. Being surrounded by people I didn’t know? Watching a band I didn’t know about play? Not exactly the most enticing.

However, after checking out Scarlet Fade’s various social media platforms, as well as watching quite a few YouTube videos, I was hooked. And I said, “Let’s do it!”

I had no idea that this simple answer would alter everything I thought I once knew.

After the first show, I was in love. In love with these people and their music and everything they stood for.

One of my clearest memories from that day, April 26, 2009 to be exact, was not at the show itself but rather what happened after. I was listening to Scarlet Fade’s album that I had bought at the show, "The Faithful and the Bruised," when a song called “The Lights Will Know Tonight” started playing.

Now, let’s get something straight here. I was only 14 at the time. I didn’t know what true, unstoppable pain was. I didn’t know what it felt like to be so heartbroken that you felt scrubbed raw from the inside out. But this song dredged up feelings in me that I couldn’t even put a name to. I didn’t understand what this aching in my chest was. I didn’t know why I fell to my knees and simply sobbed throughout the entire song. I was scared, to be honest. I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I had finally cracked. My heart was heavy, weighing me down completely. And when the song ended, I was okay again. Everything went back to normal.

To this day, I’m not truly sure why this song affected me as deeply as it did. But I’m sure glad it happened. Because this is the song that hooked me to Scarlet Fade. This is what made me want to see them again. I was in love with the feeling, as painful as it was. To be so emotionally connected to a song, even though I didn’t know why, was one of the most beautiful feelings I had ever experienced. And now, over 7 years later, I’m planning on getting some of those lyrics inked onto me permanently.

It wasn’t until the summer of 2010 that my dedication to the band truly picked up. But once it did, it never stopped. It’s still going to this day, as is probably fairly evident.

Up until 2012, my mom and I (and sometimes other friends and family) fell into a routine. And by routine I mean we attended every single Scarlet Fade show. I wish I was exaggerating for the sake of the article but I’m not. Fact check with my mom if you don’t believe me.

It got to the point where we were seeing them at least once a week, rarely going past the two week mark between concerts. A rule was even set by my mom which I was very bitter about at the time: we weren’t going to attend shows more than two hours away. But even she learned how to break her own rule every once in a while for special events.

But in 2012, the worst news arrived: Scarlet Fade were moving to Georgia. And these shows now would for sure break the over two hours rule. It’s hard for me to admit this but I quite literally fell apart when I heard this. I remember sitting on my couch, my dad upstairs talking on the phone, and I just sobbed. My heart was heavy once again but this time I knew why.

I was grieving. Grieving what I thought would be the complete loss of the friendships and relationships I had built with them over the years. Grieving the loss of the routine. Grieving the end of this chapter.

I was selfless in that I wanted to see them succeed but I was admittedly also selfish in that I didn’t want them to leave.

However, the summer of 2013, when they came back up to New England for their summer tour, squashed any fears I previously had. Because when they journeyed back up here and I was reunited with them once again, if anything, our bond had only grown stronger.

Since then, I have continued to strengthen my bond with them, I’ve become a sort of roadie for them whenever they’re up here, I’ve had jam sessions with them, and I’ve continued to build our relationship as well as gain so many memories over the years. Even in their absence, I continue to promote them and dedicate so much of my time to helping them. They’ve given me so much through the years, a simple tweet or article about them is the least I can do.

Since then, they’ve come to me for opinions on their new music. (Although, they should realize by now that I am extremely biased.) The drummer, Jake, has continued to wear the dog tags I gave him as a birthday present all the way back in 2012. They’ve given me a total of 10 set lists that are currently some of my most treasured possessions. They’ve given me both drumsticks as well as guitar picks. They’ve hung out with me for over two hours after a show once when I was stranded and waiting for a ride at one of the venues. They’ve included me in so much that I have walked well past the point of being a fan and turned into a friend.

Now, the year is 2016 and I’m anxiously awaiting their return this summer. They have new music coming out on May 27 and I couldn’t be anymore ecstatic. I have watched them grow, watched them become the incredible band and most wonderful people I have ever known. I’m proud to say I’ve been with them for seven years and I’m not going anywhere.

So why exactly did I just tell you that story? Well, because I want to help you all find your own Scarlet Fade. There are always gigs in your area to attend, always bands around that are craving an audience. A simple look through of newspapers or online postings can change your life.

Take it from someone that knows, a local band is your best investment.

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