An Introduction To Korean Skincare
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An Introduction To Korean Skincare

An Introduction To Korean Skincare

Do a quick google search for "Korean Skincare Routine" and you will be hit with about 850,000 results with titles such as "The 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine," "Korean Beauty 10 Step Skin Care Routine," and "The Truth About The Korean Beauty Routine." From The Huffington Post to Elle Magazine, it seems that everyone is getting in on the buzz--and for good reason.The full routine, which is actually 10 steps, is the secret to achieving your best skin yet.

Memebox is a company that brings the latest Korean beauty trends and technology to the United States in the form of curated boxes and full sized individual products. I had not heard of the Korean skincare routine before stumbling upon the Memebox website, but I have since become a complete skincare convert. If you're thinking, "10 steps? I'm lucky if I manage to wash my face when I wake up in the morning 5 minutes before class starts," then bear with me. If you have taken any form of high-school biology, then you most likely know that our skin is the largest of our organs and it's one of the most important. Think of your skin as your outermost defense against microbes and anything else foreign that might disrupt the normal functioning of your body. Keeping your skin healthy keeps the rest of your body healthy and skincare is also important to combat the early signs of aging (even in young adults). While I'm all for aging gracefully, I want to do all that I can to keep my skin healthy and youthful for as long as possible.

The following is a truncated version of the full 10-step routine that is a bit more "do-able" if you are used to a low-maintenance (or non-existent) skin care regimen.

1. Cleansing Oil (Pre-Cleanse)

This crucial first step is often the hardest for many westerners to accept. Washing your face with oil seems counter intuitive, especially for those of us who suffer from oily/acne prone skin. However, when you think about the science behind it, using an oil makes a lot of sense. The oil helps to melt away all the makeup, dirt, and sebum that has built up throughout the day, preparing your skin for the next step.

2. Foam Cleanser (Cleanse)

While washing your face twice might seem excessive, it is actually essential for removing any makeup, dirt, or oil left behind by the first step. Due to the two-step cleanse process, Korean cleansers tend to be gentler and free of harsh chemicals, so don't worry about your skin getting irritated or drying out.

3. Refresh (Tone)

Unlike toners here in the United States, Korean toners are usually alcohol free and much gentler on the skin. Toners tighten up the skin and remove any residue that cleansing has left behind, while also helping to maintain the pH balance of your skin.

4. Ampoule (Serum)

Much like serums that you can find here in the United States, ampoules are highly concentrated products that contain ingredients that are meant to target a specific skin concern (e.g. wrinkles, acne scars).

5. Emulsion (Moisturize)

The final step, using an emulsion, is essential to replenish and hydrate your skin. The process of double washing can take a toll on your skin's moisture levels, so be sure to not skip this step.

These five steps are just the beginning in the world of Korean skincare. If you are interested and feel prepared to take on the full 10-step routine, then this article featuring Charlotte Cho, curator and co-founder of Soko Glam, is a good place to start.

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