Becoming An Informed Voter: The Top Four Issues To Focus On This Election Season
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Becoming An Informed Voter: The Top Four Issues To Focus On This Election Season

Becoming An Informed Voter: The Top Four Issues To Focus On This Election Season

While more than a year away from the vote for the 45th United States President, election season is in full swing with over 20 candidates vying for the most powerful job in the country--arguably in the world.

For many young voters, this is their first presidential election and the process can be overwhelming at times. For a while it seemed that every time you turned on the TV there was a new candidate throwing their hat into the race. The constant publishing of news articles and tireless TV segments make it hard to keep track of where the candidates stand and the major issues they are discussing.

As an eligible voter you should be informed as much as possible on the state of American government and the running candidates. While voters still have plenty of time to make up their mind, as the final candidates haven’t yet been selected, it's crucial to decide what issues are important to you.

For young millennials, this election comes at a time of transition in our lives. Many of us will be graduating college, finding our first real jobs, moving out and entering a new world of independence where issues you may not have previously paid attention to will now have a visible impact on everyday life.

Here is a breakdown of the four major issues candidates will be focusing on in the coming year. These issues not only impact the country but college students like me and you.

    (Don't be afraid of the election.)

    1. Economy

    The economy, while a broad topic, seems to also be the biggest issue on voters’ minds this year. According to a Gallup poll, 86% of Americans say the economy will be extremely or very important to their vote next year. To simplify this complex topic, there are some subsets that young voters in particular should pay attention to.

    As college graduates begin to enter the workforce, the situation of unemployment and repaying student debt becomes a reality. Programs such as Social Security, which has been a part of this country for over 70 years is now on its last legs. It is expected that Social Security will lose its trust fund by 2033 and will then be able to repay only 77% of benefits after that, but the future beyond that is unclear. The question becomes should we be pouring more money into these programs, or reforming them?

    Student loan debt is another prime topic hitting close to home for young voters. According to Market Watch there is a total of $1.3 trillion dollars of student loan debt currently in the United States and it continues to grow by an estimated $3,055.19 every second. The Obama administration has recently implemented a program that bases student loans on discretionary income and forgives loans if they are not repaid in 20 years. Democrats have tried to pass a bill that would allow students to refinance loans at lower rates, made possible through a tax increase. The Republicans rejected this bill due to their varied stances on refinancing student loans. Further government aid to help ease the burden of student loan debt continues to be contested. While attending a state school with low costs, such as Binghamton, eases the financial commitment of college, it is still large sum of money each year, and is a very real issue for students.

    2. Healthcare

    Healthcare has been an ongoing issue in America for countless years. The major debate lies in a system that is seen as broken, do we want the government to have a more hands-on approach to our healthcare system or more hands-off? With the introduction of the Affordable Healthcare Act in 2014--which requires all uninsured Americans to get coverage--providing subsidies to lower income people that are unable to afford it, comes more governmental presence. Whether this intervention continues depends on the next president. Democrats believe in more funding for programs such as Medicaid, which insures the poor, and they stand by the belief that healthcare is a right for every citizen. Republicans, however, believe that programs such as the Affordable Care Act take away people’s right to choose what they want and creates a greater financial burden on the government.

    3. Immigration

    Illegal immigration is a very hot topic and the problem continues to grow. While the total number of illegal immigrants in this country is hard to quantify, estimates according to Pew Research place them at about 11.3 million people. Some believe in a more lenient approach to these illegal aliens and reason that since they are in the country already they should be given a pathway to citizenship, rather than being deported. Others insist in much tighter border security including building stronger fences, and hiring more security, instead of assisting them in becoming citizens.

    The main issue with illegal immigration is the use of resources without paying taxes and occupying unskilled labor jobs, which many believe are “stolen” from Americans. Laws such as the DREAM act permit certain immigrant students who grew up in the United States to apply for a special immigrant status and attend college to possibly pay in-state tuition rates. As Binghamton University students, we may not witness the large number of illegal aliens, but it is important to acknowledge this is a legitimate problem that requires solutions.

    4. Gun control

    Gun control is another divisive issue in the county. While it may not seem to affect your everyday life, it symbolizes a greater constitutional right. The issue has been in the press constantly as the topic unfortunately arises out of tragedies in Aurora and Sandy Hook that bring up the right to have a gun. According to Newsweek only 32% of American households own guns, and that statistic continues to lower. The question of who should be allowed to possess a weapon and where it should be stored raises controversy. Many people believe in much tighter restrictions on gun control with the belief that fewer guns equals less violence. Conversely, others believe fundamentally in the right to bear arms and believe that with proper background checks people owning guns is not harmful nor the cause of violence. This fundamental difference in mentality is essential to the issue.

    As a voter, education on hot button issues is imperative. By understanding the key points to each debate, it will be easier to form an opinion about each candidate and ultimately, decide who to vote for. Elections are a whirlwind of debates, speeches and ads, and it’s easy to get caught up in the media frenzy that surrounds them. However, it is important to remember that the candidates are more than a persona, they reflect real change for issues plaguing this nation.

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