The Importance of My Thankful Challenge
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The Importance of My Thankful Challenge

Continuing My Gratitude Journey

The Importance of My Thankful Challenge

I would consider myself a grateful person. I always harbor within me the spirit of thankfulness, yet I never realized just the importance of documenting what it is I am thankful for. When I’ve had moments of weariness or sadness throughout the day, in the moments I sit down to reflect and write about something or someone I am thankful for, it brings me back to a place of peace and grace. I highly recommend, even just starting for one week- to write these things down. It changes your viewpoint tremendously, especially when you take time to value the little things that you take for granted so often.

Here is some of my thankfulness log from this month:

November 1- I am thankful for my readers!

November 2- High School

High school was definitely not the best experience for me, but I am so grateful for the students and teachers that cared for me and prepared me for the adventure I am on now!

November 3- A Warm Bed

After watching the movie “Shelter” on Netflix, this one really hit me. There are millions of people that do not even have the privilege of having a warm bed to sleep in each night. I am so beyond grateful.

November 4- My Gender/Women’s Studies Class

This class quickly became one of my favorite classes from its start at the end of September. The ideas we discuss are extremely relevant and important, and I’m blessed to be able to have my eyes opened to a variety of different issues regarding intersectional identities.

November 5- Gift of Writing

I am so beyond thankful for ALL of my God-given gifts, but I wanted to emphasize this one. I am so grateful that I am able to touch others through my writing and I hope to continue this connection with others for a long time.

November 6- Friends in Christ

I am very thankful for all of my friends in Christ. You encourage me, teach me, inspire me, and most importantly, show me God’s love on the daily.

November 7- Online Church Service

On the Sundays that I am busy or at home an hour away, I love being able to watch sermons of my Seattle church online. It always puts me in a good mood even when I can’t be there in person.

November 8- Strong American People

I was especially thankful this day because I had no choice after the election but to think of LOVE in order to not fall into a deep anger and sadness. I am thankful that I am surrounded by American brothers and sisters of all ethnicities and backgrounds that are staying positive and promoting equality despite who will be running our country.

November 9- My Mom’s Sacrifices

I wanted to give a special shoutout to my mom on this day. I came home for the weekend and my mom was overwhelmed with so many things to do and on top of this was surrounded by a lot of negative energy. Recognizing that even in all of this, she remained positive and put others before her reaffirmed me of just how blessed I am to have her as my mom.

November 10- Costco

This one is a bit silly, but I LOVE Costco. Thanks Costco, for providing me a place to buy literally everything I own (including clothes, bedding, glasses, shoes, etc…)

November 11- Veterans

On Veteran’s Day, I wanted to honor each and every person that sacrificed their own lives for the sake of our country. Thank you for securing our freedoms!

November 12- George Barkley

I am so thankful for my puppy, the best dog in the entire world. Thanks for being the spazziest, goofiest lil guy ever and loving me unconditionally.

November 13- Motown

Recently as part of my Music class, I came across the topic of Motown. I’ve always had an appreciation for the music that stemmed from this label and period of time, and learning even more about it has brought me back to listening to the upbeat hits I love.

November 14- Positive People

To all of the people in my life that are positive and spread this to others- I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

November 15- Spontaneous Dance Parties

I am grateful for the ability to dance around my apartment without being judged… no matter how bad the dancing is :) . And as always, I’m grateful for those who join in!

November 16- Beyoncé

Speaking of dance parties, thank you, Beyoncé, for always putting me in a fierce mood. I always seem to get happier after listening to you.

November 17- College Education

I am so forever grateful that I have the opportunity to attend college, which grants me even more opportunities in life. I love being able to forge connections with others and learn even more than I ever thought I would.

November 18- My Inspiration Journal

I am so thankful for my Inspiration Journal, the journal/diary that I take to church to take notes, write prayers in when I am alone, jot down my thoughts late at night, and so much more. It provides me a place to gather my ever-scattered thoughts which I don’t have elsewhere. Thank you, journal :).

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