I've seen several articles arise lately, from Odyssey and elsewhere, of millennials complaining that they are lumped into certain unpleasant stereotypes based on their political ideologies. I'm sure you know what I mean - the stereotypes that Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, and they just like to discriminate against others. If you find yourself to be a Republican and don't want to be called these foul things, I have a few questions for you.
What I want to say before I begin debunking articles about Millennial Republicans is this: If you do not wish to be stereotyped based on other Republicans, do not take it to Democrats to fix. Democrats did not invent the stereotypes. You must take it to those Republicans who fit that stereotype and you must tell them, "Hey, you're making the rest of us look bad. You're helping to create the divide between parties. Your sexism, racism, homophobia, and/or discrimination against others based on x, y, and z is hurting other Republicans, too. You are what's giving us such a bad name. Stop it."
The thing is, I have a lot of Republicans in my family. You know what things they say? I hear things like, "I don't hate f-gs, I just hate that they want to get married." But I also hear this in conjunction with, "I hate f-gs."
I hear things like, "He did that because he's black. That's something black people do."
I hear things like, "God didn't intend for race mixing." (I mean, tell that to your great-great-great grandpa who owned and raped his slaves, even though it wasn't considered rape because slaves were property and subsequently could not be raped. You go tell it to them. I'm not hearing it.)
I hear things that make me detest people around me. I hear them say such foul, inconsiderate things that make me need to zone out of the conversations. I am around Republican Stereotypes. I am around the Republicans who claim they're not racist, sexist, and homophobic, but say things that prove to me that they are racist, sexist, and homophobic. I am around the Republicans who claim they love everyone, but also claim to hate people, until they're confronted, then claim they hate what those people do. And trust me, I am damn sick of listening to these conversations, and I am damn sick of being around people who say those things. My plea to Republicans who don't want to be called discriminatory is this: don't be discriminatory. Don't let the Republicans around you be discriminatory.
Further, let's address some articles written by Republicans my age who are tired of being stereotyped because of Donald Trump.
In Madison Roberts's article, "Common Misconceptions About Young Republican Women", she states "What about all of the religious women who are pro-life, and make that choice for themselves? Honestly, that is what feminism is: being a woman and making decisions for yourself and forming your own beliefs. And just like being pro-life doesn't mean you are anti-woman ..."
Yes, feminism means a woman can make important decisions for herself. The key to this is: she makes the decisions for herself. She does not have anyone telling her what to do. She does what she feels is best for her. That means that just because you are a woman who is pro-life, you get to tell me what to do with my uterus. It is my uterus. Just because you're a woman telling me what to do, that does not make it okay. It is not feminism. It's still blatant misogyny against women who choose and who will choose to have abortions. Just because a woman says to, does not make it feminism. That's why pro-life is considered anti-women.
The same article also claims, "I’ve heard comments about Republican women basically saying that we don’t know what we’re voting for ... I know plenty of other women like myself. We are not stupid, and we are fully capable of forming opinions and defending them. I am a woman, and I am a Republican. I am also a feminist, and I am proud to be both."
Again, you cannot use the fact that you are a woman to defend your case. People do not say that Republican women vote against themselves because women are incapable of making decisions on their own - people say Republican women vote against themselves because, as you made very clear earlier in your article, traditional conservative views are not pro-women. Believing you can tell another woman what to do with her body because you are also a woman is sexist and is not "feminist," as you claim.
In Krystal Goode's article, "12 Things Young Republicans Are Tired Of Hearing", her second point is that everyone assumes Republicans are voting for Trump. Why do people assume Republicans are voting for Trump? Because so many of them are voting for Trump. If you don't want to be viewed as the typical Trump supporter, do not support Trump. Please.
She also addresses the stereotype that Republicans discriminate based on sex, race, and sexual orientation. Her only argument is that the Republican candidates are diverse in race. I see this argument, I do, but remember when Ben Carson compared everything "liberal" to slavery?It seems very unfortunate to me that even the African-American Republican candidate doesn't know what slavery means, and does not take it seriously in the slightest.
Her sixth point is that "free" stuff is not free. Actually - everyone knows that! We're both the same in this way: everyone wants to see their taxes go to what they find important. The difference, however, is what we find important. But roads? That's democratic socialism. That's something everyone pays for so everyone can use. Public school is something everyone pays for so everyone can have an education through 12th grade. That's democratic socialism. Hate to break it to you, but I bet democratic socialism has been good to you.
This article's author, however, seems to understand why she's being stereotyped. Good for her! I want to thank her for that.
Last but not least... Thisarticle - prepare yourselves. It's a doozy. I encourage everyone to take thirty seconds to read it. That's all you'll need.
Why is this article, in particular, a doozy? Well, the author makes simple claims and fails to back them up. She has provided an article with absolutely no meat or substance.
This is where I lost it with this ridiculous piece: She writes a stereotype, "Republicans are closed-minded." Her response? A gif of Ms. Piggy yelling "You're just jealous!" to Kermit the Frog. She follows up with "Enough said." That's it. That's all.
Okay, in what way is that "enough said"? I don't understand. Are you saying others are jealous that you're a Republican? Or that you're not closed-minded, when really all you have done is claimed that you're not closed-minded, and not given any support? You literally give absolutely nothing to back your claim that you're not closed-minded. It does everything to make me believe that you are, in fact, closed-minded. If you're going to make claims, please, back them up. I'm hoping you've taken enough classes to know that if this were paper, it would receive an F because you cannot make unsupported claims and expect them to work. You are doing such a disservice to your party! I can't. I just can't.
Again, please take into consideration from where these stereotypes are coming. You may be being stereotyped because of your own party. Take it to them. Do not bring it to me. I can't help you.