"You're only a Republican because your parents are."
This is probably the one that I hear the most and it's also the most annoying. Yes my parents are Republicans, and yes they were how I first learned about politics, but I'm also my own person and I have done my own research. I'm a Republican because my views coincide with the party, not just because my parents are.
"Oh, are you racist?"
No actually I'm not a racist, but thanks for asking.
"Do you even believe in women's rights?"
Considering I am a young women myself, yes I do believe in women's rights. I believe in equality between men and women - neither gender is more superior than the other one.
"You're uneducated and ignorant."
I do research on politics every single day and I am halfway through my junior year in college, so I'm pretty sure I'm not even close to being uneducated. And just because someone doesn't have the same views as you, doesn't mean they're ignorant.
"Aren't Republicans only old, white and rich men?"
I'm not old and I'm a woman, but I'm a Republican... so that's obviously not true. The modern Republican party is actually very diverse today, especially among the millennial Republicans. Everything changes with time, and that includes the Republican party.
"Republicans are close-minded."
Enough said.
"You're wrong."
Again, just because someone doesn't have the same views as you doesn't make them wrong.
"Let me tell you about being a Democrat, you'll change your mind."
I do my own research on both parties all the time, and I can assure you that I am not a Democrat and you will not change my mind for me.
"But... it's 2015."
Really? I had no idea what year it is, thanks for telling me.
Cool, thanks.
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