I Believe In Feminism And I Will Not Trust Hillary Clinton
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I Believe In Feminism And I Will Not Trust Hillary Clinton

Faux feminism at it's finest.

I Believe In Feminism And I Will Not Trust Hillary Clinton

Is she really for the women of America?

Feminism by definition is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This basically means that women should not be treated differently due to gender. Women are often viewed as bossy and or "bitchy" instead of as a leader, women are constantly scrutinized for their bodies and labeled "plus size" but men are never labeled for their appearances. Women are still only making 80 cents to the dollar that a man makes, and many only see the value in women based on how good of a mother they are or how well they can cook and manage to please their husbands all at the same time. These issues are why many women would automatically think that voting for Hillary Clinton would help solve these problems in society because of her claim that she is "for women". Although Donald Trump is not by any means a saint when it comes to these issues surrounding women, Hillary Clinton is far from being "for the women of America" and here are many examples of why her feminist morale has everyone fooled.

Hillary Clinton does many things that have us as Americans questioning whether or not she should be in prison or sitting in the Oval Office at the White House. Aside from the fact that the presidential candidate and former Secretary of the State was sending government classified emails through her personal account and risking national security lets remember that she also made the decision that led to 4 American deaths in Benghazi, Libya because of her hesitation to send rescue and her later denial to own up to her actions. Also we can look at the Clinton foundation in which is labeled as a humanitarian foundation but accepts donations from many foreign countries such as Russia and is then bankrolled directly to the Clinton Family. All her actions show forms of corruption and fraud again and again.

If that in itself did not convince the female population to not support Hillary Clinton then then maybe it is time to look at the facts when it comes to her stance on feminism. As many Americans know, Bill Clinton, former President of the US, was caught cheating with Monica Lewinsky and was also accused of rape and sexual harassment by other females such as Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey. Hillary was the one right by his side to cover up the sex scandals and stand by her husband. As a young female who believes in feminism, I feel that American women need a courageous and honest female leader as president, one that shows women of America what being a feminist looks like. Hillary Clinton does the opposite. It raises the question why did she not divorce her cheating husband and run her campaign based on the internal power of self respect? Well this is simple what other way would be easiest to get to power, she climbs the ladder based on the success of her husband and uses all the ties and money that the Clinton name provides. She is just showing American women that in order to succeed we should put up with men who disrespect us and cheat on us in order to achieve success. Hillary Clinton is showing the young females in America that in order to gain power we need a man holding our hand along the way. As her campaign attacks Donald Trump with allegations of sexual harassment and adultery does she realize that she is married to a man who has been accused of the same exact allegations?

Lets be honest America, neither of these candidates are perfect by any means but do we really want to vote for someone just because she will be the first female president and claims to be for women of America when in reality she is using gender as a way to fake her stance on all things involving feminism. It is an easy vote when we as determined women see a powerful woman running for President but it is important to keep in mind how Hillary got to power and how she uses these tactics over and over again and continues to exemplify these ideals to our society. I hope for a day when women are not referred to as bossy and are told they have great leadership skills, a day when men respect women on the same professional level as they respect other men, a day where women and men are paid the same, a day where women feel that they should love their bodies for themselves and not for the need to please men. A day where men are not intimidated by strong powerful women. A day where a woman with a strong opinion is not referred to as a "bitch" and is referred to as determined. A day when us females look out for other females and support each other instead of being catty and constantly jealous of one another. A day where a woman is elected into office. I do not believe Hillary Clinton and her feminist claims, she is not an appropriate role model to Americans or to females who truly believe in the equality of men and women. I am a feminist and I do not support Hillary Clinton or the false realities she is portraying to the women of America.

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