An Honest Opinion Of This Year's Best Picture Nominees
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An Honest Opinion Of This Year's Best Picture Nominees

I viewed all of the nominees before awards night to see what I truly think deserves each award.

An Honest Opinion Of This Year's Best Picture Nominees

The Oscars have been doing this thing for the past few years where they don't restrict the Best Picture category to 5 nominees like it has done in the past. Basically, if a film has a large enough amount of votes, it is able to nominated -- and usually, this leads to 8-10 nominees. However, this new system is a double edged sword. With giving films that wouldn't normally get that kind of attention a Best Picture nomination, they get seen by a larger audience. To some, it may not seem as prestigious since it isn't as closed off of a category. Despite all that, I did this year what I have been doing every year since 2011 with the Best Picture category and watched them all, so I could get an honest look at what 2016 had to offer. While I do think they should spread the awards around, some will definitely get a couple while others may not get any. Here's are my thoughts on the nominees:

1. "Manchester By The Sea"

This is the first one I got a chance to see this awards season. And yes, it is probably as depressing as you have heard. When watching this film, I literally felt like I was intruding on this family because their dynamic was so realistic. A lot of the elements of the film really hit home for me and that couldn't have happened without the terrific acting from both Casey Affleck and the young up and comer Lucas Hedges. While I'm aware of the controversy surrounding Affleck, I truly believe he deserves the golden statue for the way in which he depicts someone dealing with grief while also dealing with his actions and new found responsibilities.

2. "Arrival"

As a lover of science-fiction films, I felt I would like this movie based on what I heard about it. This film heavily relies on Amy Adams' (who was snubbed tbh) character and her ability to understand the complexity of language of extra terrestrial beings. Not only is it based on communicating with these foreign beings, but it provides a commentary on how we think of language and how we are able to understand each other in the modern age. This should really be a contender for winning adapted screenplay just for how much the ending blew my mind when I saw it. Mark my words, EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM DENIS VILLENEUVE IN THE FUTURE!

3. "Fences"

This is definitely not for any movie goers who don't like anything outside just dialogue in movies. Basically, Denzel Washington was in the Broadway play of the same name and decided he wanted to take it to the screen and direct it. The stellar acting in this is what drives the movie which (like many plays) takes us through the family's days in a consistent manner. I actually felt like both Washington and Viola Davis completely embodied their characters since they were so perfect for the roles. However, the length and the bulk of this film is what can get many people off track. Because it's so dialogue based, zone out, look at your phone or otherwise lose track of the quick paced dialogue for 10 seconds and you'll be lost. However, Davis can already rehearse her speech because she has Best Supporting in the bag.

4. "Lion"

If you didn't instantly fall in love with Sunny Pawar as young Saroo in this film, I question your humanity. The film time is split up into an hour with Pawar, which basically narrates what happened to his character and the second half has the older Saroo, a role played by Dev Patel. Acting on both parts is astonishing in this film. I didn't expect to love this movie as much as I actually did and this is up there as one of my favorites of this year. It is so family-based and well told that you are going to want to hug your parent or loved ones as soon as you finish watching this. And although Mahershala Ali is expected to win best supporting, I honestly think Dev Patel should take it home.

5. "Moonlight"

Everyone this year is split on whether "La La Land" or "Moonlight" should take home Best Picture. The hype is real everyone. This movie pulls off a way of storytelling that is so nuanced, well shot and well acted that it became a buzz-worthy, word of mouth movie everyone was off to see. Mahershala Ali, while not in the movie for very long, is extremely effective as Juan and interacts seamlessly with Janelle Monet, with whom he shares a lot of his time (both of these actors were also in "Hidden Figures!"). And because the film is depicted in three areas of Chiron's life (youth, adolescence, and adulthood), you really are taken on a journey of his evolution as a boy into a man and what intersectional problems he faces throughout it. It's not easy having a truthful and honest film talk about both race and sexuality without being redundant. Barry Jenkins delivers such admirable writing and directing that you will most likely see him accept an Oscar for at least one category.

6. "Hidden Figures"

I was completely dumbfounded that these ladies have never been mentioned in our history books for not only working at NASA, but for Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson's character) in particular being such an inherent role in the Friendship 7 operation during the Space Race. This film did really well at the box office and I could see why. I never found myself bored or felt a lull throughout this film and I think it's because with the three main ladies each facing different hardships along the way, you fully realize all that they went through at this particular time of the 20th century. In segregated Virginia, the fact that these ladies never lost their determination in their work or convictions is the strong takeaway message I got from this film. While I don't think this film will pick up any awards, it was an incredible story of determination nonetheless.

7. "Hacksaw Ridge"

You can consider this film Mel Gibson's comeback into Hollywood. Andrew Garfield, (who's been having an amazing year), again shows us why he keeps finding success in Hollywood. With an unbelievably convincing southern accent, he decides to enlist in the army only under the terms that he need not carry a weapon, but provide assistance as a medic on the battlefield during WWII. While no one, including his sergeant (Vince Vaughn) believes he will be of any benefit to the US army in that state, the idea that he may be court marshaled because he doesn't want to touch a weapon is a harrowing reality. Because this is based on a true story, we find out that he was able to save over 70 men on the battlefield. What stood out for me in this film is the gruesome and scarring realities of warfare and how little life can be valued by some, but to people like Garfield's character Desmond Doss, it is everything they work to preserve. While I don't think this film will pick up anything (maybe some sound awards?), it was a great new take on a wartime flick.

8. "Hell or High Water"

Alright, I loved this movie. Screenwriter Taylor Sheridan has also been having a great year with all of his success. If you just like a quality, exhilarating cops and robbers type movie, you will love this. Ben Foster is the one who really sticks out in this whole movie. As Chris Pine's character's older brother, he is the exhilarating, quick witted, comedic element of the whole film. I truly think he was snubbed because this had me wanting the chase to continue for much longer than the film's run time. Jeff Bridges, while in a run of the mill Jeff Bridges role, is still very good as one of the rangers on their tails. This is just overall a good watch and while I truly think Foster should have been up for this, I'm happy this film is up for what it is.

9. "La La Land"

This feels like the debate of the century- did you love La La Land, or kinda, sorta, not really? There's even an SNL sketch about it. Honestly, I saw it twice and I did really like it. Was it overhyped? Possibly. But I truly believe the production and ideas in this film are what's going to have it hold up well for years to come. While I think Gosling was good, I don't think it was his best role this year (he was hilarious in "The Nice Guys"). Stone is really exceptional in this and I think it's her time to win. Chazelle really has a thing for jazz and as young as he is, he knows how to put on a quality production. While the beginning had me in awe, the ending had me in tears and I think that adds to its re-watcheability factor. I truthfully think it's going to win, simply because it puts itself on a new scale the other films mentioned can't really be measured with. To me, when I know a film will be copied in the future or influence others to come, that's how I know its special. This film is that. Like the rest of the films, this isn't without its flaws. However, to me, I think that in the areas it is lacking it makes up for in multiple other areas. And to this day I still have that damn "City of Stars" song stuck in my head.

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