Holiday Travel Tips
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Holiday Travel Tips

Don't be caught unprepared this travel season.

Holiday Travel Tips

In just five short days, I'll be heading to Tampa International Airport to fly out to see my best friend. It's very exciting, really! I'm no novice to travelling on my own-- I've flown to North Carolina by myself two times before. I absolutely adore travelling, especially when that travel involves flying on an airplane. In light of my upcoming trip, I thought I would share how I travel, since I've seemed to be successful thus far. I'm no expert, but if it works for me, why can't it work for others? Here's a list of my travel tips and essentials.

1. Opt for a cheaper airline.

When I fly alone, I usually end up paying for my own ticket. (Luckily, this upcoming trip was a Christmas present!) The cheaper, the better, though. I have flown Southwest my past few times flying, and have been more than satisfied. Round trips for me are always less than $300, usually between $150-$250. Compared to other airlines, that's pocket change. Do your research, though. If you're comfortable with a nickel-and-dime airline, like Allegiant, all the power to you. I'll stick with my two carry-ons and free drinks and snacks.

2. Make a packing checklist.

Personally, I like to make it fancy with nice markers and calligraphy, but that step is optional. A packing checklist makes sure you don't forget anything. I organize mine into categories: clothing, technology, toiletries, and extras. I check off things as I pack them to make sure I'm not without my charger, or toothbrush, or other small items that are easy to forget. It always seems to help.

3. Travel with snacks.

After realizing that a container of grapes and cheese is $8 at the airport, I will not be travelling without snacks ever again. This trip, I've made snack bags of granola bars, gummies, chocolate, and cheese crackers. Additionally, I'll be packing some fresh fruit and veggies. I always carry an empty water bottle through security, and then fill it up after the checkpoint. The majority of solid food (non-liquid or gel) is allowed through security, but check out the TSA website when you pack up your snacks to avoid any disasters or wasted food.

4. Don't carry all of your electronics.

Pick and choose, friends. Unless you're going on a business trip and it's absolutely necessary that you bring your tablet, laptop, phone, e-reader, and pager, do not. Pick two or three essentials-- I'm bringing along my phone and camera, opting to leave my laptop at home. Not only does this give you less to carry, but it makes you less susceptible to being a victim of theft. Don't flash your electronics all over the place, either. Keep your phone in your pocket or hand and your other electronics tucked safely in your carry-on, and always be aware. I keep one leg through the strap of my bags when I set them on the ground so that they cannot be easily snatched. Be careful out there.

5. Create a solid music playlist.

If you have Spotify Premium, now is the time to take full advantage of it. Create a playlist of all your favorite tunes-- yes, all of them. (Just make sure you can listen to your music offline.) You're going to have a lot of downtime, especially if you have layovers. Keep your phone on airplane mode unless you need to use it to conserve battery. Listening to music on airplane mode takes up almost no battery, so it's your best bet. Audio books or podcasts are also great thing to download, if that's more your speed.

6. Always. Carry. Gum.

Avoid the dreaded airplane earache and keep your breath fresh. Win-win!

7. Opt to use shampoo/soap/etc. at your destination, rather than packing it.

If you're staying with friends or relatives, I'm sure they won't mind. If you're staying at a hotel, the free mini bottles of soaps work just fine. It'll create less to carry and worry about at security.

8. Try not to leave your destination with much more than you came with.

I know, I know. Being in a new place or back at home leads to you leaving with a lot more than you came with. Shopping, Christmas presents, parents making sure you have everything you need-- it's overwhelming. Try to keep it to a minimum, though. You won't want to lug all of that through multiple airports, trust me.

9. Dress in layers.

Planes can be hot, airports can be cold, your destination can be rainy, who knows? Dress in layers-- a t-shirt, sweater or sweatshirt, jeans, and close-toed shoes with socks are a good option. Wear your bulkiest shoes on the plane, such as your boots or sneakers, as to avoid extra heaviness in your bag. Just make sure they are fairly easy to slip on and off for security.

10. Take lots of pictures.

Okay, this one isn't really for the actual travelling, but take lots of pictures once you reach your destination. (No, I don't mean selfies.) Whether that be on your phone or with your fancy camera, you won't regret it. You're going to have a great vacation and you want to remember it. Happy travels!

All gifs from Giphy.

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