Having A Cat In College Is Almost Better Than A Having Dog
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Having A Cat In College Is Almost Better Than A Having Dog

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Having A Cat In College Is Almost Better Than A Having Dog

I’ve always been a dog person. Up until my brother was born, my first friend was a dog. I mean, honestly, there’s nothing better than wet, sloppy kisses after a long day, or cuddles during movie nights on those boring, lazy weekends. They are the ones we count on to mend our broken hearts and remind us that we’re needed just as much as they are. So really, what could possibly be better than this miracle breed?

My roommate, being the crazy cat lady she is, brought home an extra member that we welcomed immediately. I’ve never been one to discriminate against animals, but I had mixed feelings considering every interaction I had with cats involved asthma attacks and hive breakouts. I was leery, but I accepted it; and now that I've grown to the furry new friend you could assume that I’m finding videos of cats running from cucumbers and chasing laser points more humorous than I did before.

Now that I’ve dedicated my blood, sweat and tears to this decade of life we call “adulthood,” free time isn’t a thing and if I do manage to have some, I use it to sit back and take a breather. As much as I’d like to be running around throwing tennis balls and playing tug of war, I just don’t have the time. Cats, on the other hand, love their independence and require little to some attention (not that I’m saying you shouldn’t love on your animals every chance you get, they just don’t require the extra time and attention our hyper and energetic furballs do). Making this easier to still have a pet without neglecting their needs.

With that being said, every dog owner knows the struggle of trying to have clean furniture and spot-free carpet, but let’s be honest, it’s either not possible, or one or the other. As cute as the muddy paw prints and noses are, the smell is enough to kick you out of your own place. Cats, on the other hand, are very clean pets that manage to keep themselves clean at all times and bathe themselves when needed. Grooming for our dogs can become pretty costly, and being a college kid your budget is cut and limited as it is. Even bathing your dog in your own bathroom creates a bigger mess than it’s worth, and even then it never fails that I get a bath out of it as well.

Also, if your dog is anything like mine, manners don’t exist yet. Meaning if you weren’t covered in dog hair and slobber when you came in, don’t worry, that will be fixed immediately. Although guest and house etiquette can be taught, puppy stage is real and it’s as painful as you can imagine considering there are some belongings you’ll just never get back. Cats, on the other hand, are very polite naturally, and when it comes to bringing new people over, their excitement is containable, and there’s never a stage in life that costs you your expensive sandals.

*May they continue to rest in peace.*

Speaking of puppy stage, the only thing worse than teaching house manners is teaching them the difference between the backyard and your nice rugs. If their excitement can’t be contained, they’ll let you know. If you’re running late getting home and they can’t hold it, it’s your mess to clean up. Cats, on the other hand, learn the second they are placed in their litter box where their bathroom spot is. No matter the situation, they make it a priority to go in a spot without accidents or cleanups, making kitten stage that much more bearable.

So, with all this being said, let’s refer back to the question asked in the first paragraph. Why do we put up with these smelly, dirty, disastrous pups when we can have neater and cleaner pets like cats? Because unless you’re a dog mom, you won't understand the simple joys of being greeted at the door after a rough day. You won’t understand the struggle of ignoring ‘the face’ during dinnertime while begging for leftovers or waking up next to a pile of stuffed toys because 8 a.m. means ‘play time.’ These are all the things I looked forward to every day, but having a cat can be just as rewarding with much less effort. Regardless, they are our best friends, our family members, and everyday routines just wouldn’t be the same without either of them, feline or canine.

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