Eight Ways You Know You're From Harford County, Maryland
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Eight Ways You Know You're From Harford County, Maryland

First things first, you probably call it HarCo.

Eight Ways You Know You're From Harford County, Maryland
Baltimore Computer Solutions

Harford County, Maryland... a perfect place to grow up (I may be biased.)

Harford County, otherwise known as HarCo, is my hometown. Harford County is in northern Maryland, sharing borders with Pennsylvania and only less than an hour away from Delaware. Harford County is home to about 250,000 people as of 2010, encompassing about 15 towns or villages in the area. Whether you are from Jarrettsville or Havre de Grace, Bel Air or Joppa, Edgewood or Fallston, Harford County is special to you in more ways than one. Welcome to "mini America."

1. You know where all the snowball stands are within a 15 mile radius.

What do you do on a Friday summer evening when it is 90 degrees at dusk and no one has more than three dollars? You drive to the closest snowball stand and indulge. If you see a shack on the side of the road, you have hit the jackpot. Once you leave Maryland, you slowly realize snowballs stands do not exist. You try to tell someone about that time in 5th grade when you got an egg custard snowball with marshmallow and people look at you like you are crazy. They'll say, "Oh, you mean a snow cone?" Nope. It is a snowball. Yes, we put melted marshmallow in the bottom, middle and top. Yes, it is absolutely delicious. I feel bad for people who have never had a Maryland snowball. Sugar, shaved ice and happiness.

2. Crabs are a weekend ritual.

When I say crabs, I am talking about the Maryland Blue Crab. Crabs are not only a tasty dinner, but a tradition. A local crab house is only within a ten mile radius from your house. Sundays are meant for football and a crab feast. You know summer has arrived when the scent of Old Bay is in the air. Your fingers may be stinging, but your taste buds are happy and you feel at home.

3. You are used to driving down an interstate and seeing farms, cities and suburbs.

Good old Route One can take you from the farmland of Harford County into the suburbs and all the way to Towson or Baltimore City. Maryland is known for its diversity of scenery. Especially in Harford County, you can see a variety of landscapes. Do you want to see acres of farmland, a waterfall, suburb neighborhoods and a towering boulders all in one day? Well, you're in the right spot.

4. You scream "O" during the National Anthem.

Many may see this as disrespectful to our nation's anthem, but people of Northern Maryland think of it as the norm. If you visit Camden Yards, you will be greeted with crab dip fries, Old Bay scents and a sense of excitement. This excitement can be exclaimed through the National Anthem, when the entire stadium erupts in "O" during the line "Oh say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave?" And no, it is not a simple "Oh." It is "O," for our beloved Orioles. Let's go O's!

5. You look forward to the Farm Fair every July.

So, you move away and somehow, your heart yearns for the smell of cow manure and the taste of homemade lemonade. Who knew you would miss this out of all things from Harford County? The Farm Fair was the best weekend of every summer growing up. The four day weekend event occurs every year during the last weekend of July. Back when we were kids, it was like Christmas. You would watch the tractor pull, see the pig races, say hello to the animals, get your water balloon made and redeem your meal voucher. Who could forget the bag of free unnecessary trinkets from the local organizations? Memories.

6. The King and Queen Seat is your go to place on a beautiful day.

The overlook that arches over Rocks Road is a beautiful sight. The fear you felt when looking over the rock is incomparable. Although the tourist spot is a bit dangerous, the view of Bel Air is absolutely jaw dropping. Going to the King and Queen's Seat was a daily occurrence once the school bell rang at 2 o'clock. From the picnics to the adventurous days with friends, this view has a special place in my heart.

7. You remember your Senior Week like it was yesterday.

Senior Week... oh the memories. You know you are from Harford County if you went to Senior Week the week after your high school graduation. The infamous week most likely included the first real exposure to being on your own, making mistakes and unapologetically not regretting them in the morning. From the beach days with your high school friends to the evenings out on Coastal Highway that you swore you wouldn't forget, Senior Week was the best blur of a week you had in your adolescence.

8. You go to the neighborhood Target expecting to see everyone you know.

The Bel Air Target will go down in history as the most crowded store in Harford County. You spent your teen days going there with your mom on a Sunday afternoon, seeing your fourth grade teacher, old best friend and neighbor all in the span of fifteen minutes. If this scenario happened in the fall, you saw everyone and their mother wearing a Ravens jersey, even if they were shopping during the game. What a time to be alive.

Harford County is a beautiful place to grow up and raise a family. No matter where I travel to or end up in life, I will always call Harford County my home.

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