good news stories this month
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8 Really Good News Stories That Happened This Month, Because We Don't Get Enough Of Those

It's about time we focus on the good instead of the bad!

8 Really Good News Stories That Happened This Month, Because We Don't Get Enough Of Those
Instagram @robmcelhenney

With all the bad news we see on the news and social media, it's all too common to overlook the happy things that are happening in the world. Here are just a few to help brighten your mood for the week!

1. A 17-year-old girl took a cardboard cutout of Danny Devito to prom… and Danny Devito responded.

After taking a dressed-up cardboard cutout of Devito to prom, Allison Closs blew up on the news and social media. Soon after, Devito responded with a picture of himself with a cardboard cutout of Allison on the set of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Can't imagine a better response!

2. Scientists have found a new ‘remarkably promising’ treatment for terminal brain cancer patients.

This remarkable immunotherapy vaccine can be customized to each individual patient, which has been undergoing clinical trials. Usually, these patients would not live longer than 17 months, but the studies for this treatment have been showing exciting results as it continues through phase three of the trial. Approximately one third of the trial patients have lived an astonishing 40.5 months rather than the normal 17. And the best part? Patients have reported very few side effects!

3. After a kid lost one of his hard-earned skis, a group of strangers went on a rescue mission to find it.

The 8-year-old boy saved up his money to buy the skis he's always wanted, but ended up losing one in the heavy powder on a ski run at Targhee resort. After a couple Facebook posts, a few locals decided to go out on a mission to find the child's lost ski. A couple hours later, the mission was a success and the family was extremely grateful!

4. This 6-year-old boy’s adorable dog runs to his best friend every day after school.

This is the cutest video. The family doctor of Henrique Muraro encouraged the family to get a dog in order to keep Henrique active, as he occasionally has mobility issues that require use of a wheelchair. Their dog, Pipo, could not have been a better fit! The boy and his dog have been inseparable ever since they met.

5. Scientists have managed to print the first-ever 3D-printed human cornea.

The cornea, which is responsible for focusing vision, plays a major role in being able to see at all. With such a small number of corneas available for transplant, and with the ever-increasing amount of people who suffer from blindness because of disease and scarring, this is a major breakthrough! 3D-printed corneas could be the beginning to a treatment which could restore vision to millions of people.

6. The University of Memphis has become the first university to offer free tuition to children and spouses of fallen service members.

In the wake of Memorial Day, the University of Memphis announced that they would be offering free tuition in the near future to children and spouses of fallen service members. The university will be using the funds from their Folds of Honor scholarship fund to those who qualify for the Folds of Honor Scholarship. They have also continued to say that if the students qualify for additional scholarships, the school will help to cover textbooks and room and board.

7. Students at a high school in San Diego bought their role model and ‘lunch lady’ a new car, and her reaction is priceless.

Students of Hoover High School in San Diego, California banded together to buy Debra Davis a brand-new car as a gift for being such a wonderful person over the years. Davis doesn't only prepare food, but she pays special attention to these kids and help them in hard times, and she uses her free time to volunteer at a soup kitchen on the other side of the county. So, to help her get there, the students replaced her old 1976 Chevy Malibu with a shiny Mazda. So sweet!

8. A police officer stands in the rain protecting a critter as it tries to cross the street – and did it with a smile!

​In Greenbelt, Maryland, Officer Sharnise Hawkins-Graham was spotted standing in the middle of the road, which was surprising for Carolyn Hammett and her husband to see. Then they realized that the officer was protecting a turtle from cars as it crossed the street! After a resident called animal control (as snapping turtles are dangerous to handle without proper equipment), Officer Hawkins-Graham decided it would be best for her to stand with the turtle, serving and protecting in every sense of the term!

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