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Halloween Prep

A Horror Movie For (Almost) Everyone

Halloween Prep
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The Halloween hour is just around the corner, and we have just enough time to catch up on our horror lingo and release our scary side. However, not every scary movie is for everyone. There are many sub genres of the classic horror genre, ranging from subtly creepy to overtly gory. This article presents a variety of scary movies to help find a horror film for (almost) everyone.

Unfriended, 2015
This film is perfect for those new to the horror genre. Full of teen angst and sexual tension, Unfriended follows a Skype call between a group of friends who hold a deadly secret and an important question: Who is hacking their profiles and ruining their lives? Not particularly gory, this movie will sit well with those of the more tech-savvy generation.

Scream, 1996
A horror staple of the mid-ninties, Scream is another teen-centered film with a terrifying twist. Another young posse are plagued by a masked killer who no one can put an identity to. However, this movie is more of a cheesy slasher film than a truly scary movie.The film also features Drew Barrymore in an iconic "The call is coming from inside the house!" scene.

V/H/S, 2012
This film might be suited more for horror genre veterans. This film is somewhat of a scary movie-ception: Within this movie, there are several home videos played that are like mini horror movies within a horror movie. That being said, many of the shorter films within the film are either rather gory, or at least very disturbing. Watch this if only if you are alright without getting closure.

The Blair Witch Project,1999
The Blair Witch Project is styled as a documentary following three young journalists trying to unravel the mystery of the Blair Witch. The interesting thing about this film is not the horror content itself, but the way the movie itself was shot. The actors were not provided with scripts; only a basic plot outline to follow. The three of them went out into the woods with this in mind and horror cinema history was made.

An exciting new invention on the theory of the world beyond this one, Insidious can be described as almost whimsical in style, however the content is rather disturbing. I recommend this film to those who are willing to stick to the series, seeing as the story line is much better understood when you've seen all three films.

The Conjuring, 2013
Dubbed as one of the scariest horror films of the modern era, The Conjuring brings both supernatural and psychological elements to the table. This film is not very gory, but it is frightening. A family moves into a new house and slowly realize that the place is haunted. The events of the movie are "based on true events," seeing as the Warren supernatural detectives featured in the film were actual people.

Suspiria, 1977
One of the lesser known horror films of the time, Suspiria follows a young girl as she attends ballet school with a terrifying secret. While the movie obviously lacks in realistic gore, it is one of the more gory films of the time. Suspense is one of the more majorly used devices in the film, so be prepared to be on the edge of your seat.

Saw I, 2004
Known for its excessive use of gore, the movies are also all very psychologically disturbing. The Saw series is only for the strong of stomach. While the series itself follows a rather interesting plot line, the first film in the series holds one of the best plot twists in film history. Prepare to have your mind blown.

The Shining, 1980
Based off of the Stephen King novel of the same name, the film focuses on a man who moves his family to a resort hotel to be caretaker for the winter. Isolated in the hotel, the man sees his sanity slowly fading away. Hardly gory at all, the film is definitely disturbing, and Jack Johnson's performance is regarded as one of the best in horror history.

The Evil Dead, 1981 (and 2013 remake)
This film series is a gore-fest cult classic. A group of friends goes into the woods for a weekend, only to find out that there is an evil entity out to get them. The 2013 remake is also extraordinarily gory, and plays a more modern twist on drug addiction and the supernatural entities that antagonize the group.

Rocky Horror Picture Show, 1975
Ending on a lighter note, The Rocky Horror Picture Show may not be considered to belong in the horror genre at all. This fun and spunky musical has everything from sweet transvestites to aliens from another planet. Get ready for some lively dancing and songs that will be stuck in your head for days.

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