11 Reasons The Golden State Warriors Are 'America's Team' | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons The Golden State Warriors Are 'America's Team'

The team that isn't just for bandwagon fans.

11 Reasons The Golden State Warriors Are 'America's Team'
@warriors on Instagram

As the 2018 NBA Playoff season gets underway, fans all around the country are rallying behind their favorite teams in hopes of obtaining the title of "Champion."

In this time, I would like to take a moment to remind everybody why the Golden State Warriors are, in fact, the best team to support heading into mid April.

1. Each type of player is represented.

If you play basketball, there's somebody on Golden State's roster who's style you can relate to. Are you the kickass 6th man? Andre Iguodala's your man. Are you kind of goofy, but still come in clutch? JaVale McGee or Swaggy P are your Warriors doppelgangers. Are you kind of clumsy offensively, but still a key component to the functioning of your team? Shaun Livingston is your professional counterpart.

Can you sink a three from anywhere on the court? Steph Curry. Is defense your forte? Draymond Green. Been playing for a while, and now effortlessly show rookies the ropes? David West.

Each type of player is represented on the Warriors, allowing every person who watches to have a, "Hey, they're like me!" moment.

2. Steve Kerr is a Dadâ„¢.

Let me just repeat that: Steve Kerr is America's dad. He's always looking out for the better interest of his team, ensuring they recover fully from any injuries and encouraging them to take time off when needed. He won't overplay them, even if the team is losing (see: Warriors 40 point loss to Utah). As seen in the above GIF, he obviously cares for and appreciates each and every one of his team members.

Additionally, Kerr isn't afraid to speak out about political and social issues as he sees fit, including those of Black Lives Matter and the current presidency. Steph, among other players, have been outspoken about these issues as well - Kerr taking up for them proves the mutual respect that exists between him and the team, allowing their bond to be more than a worker and a boss.

3. Nearly everybody knows who they are (even if they don't keep up with the NBA).

Phoenix who? Brooklyn who? I have yet to see anybody say, "Wait, Golden State who?"

Even if the people who know the team don't hold Golden State as their favorite, they still know them, and can often times hold a conversation about them and individual players. Notoriety like that doesn't tend to happen "just because."

4. They play like a family - no superiority complexes, because they need everybody.

Referencing back to point 1, every player on Golden State has a unique playing style, and therefore, each player is unique in their role on the team. Obviously the stars exist - Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Kevin Durant - but they don't play as though they're the only ones on the team that contribute.

The team's chemistry wouldn't be quite the same without Patrick McCaw, the second year player who's learning confidence in his game with the Warriors. The team wouldn't be the same without rookie Jordan Bell, who's filled in multiple times in Curry's absence. The team wouldn't operate the same way without big man Zaza Pachulia (albeit they may work better without the looming possibility of him injuring yet another superstar).

The team wouldn't work the same way without each and every player they currently have, and the role they currently fulfill, and every person on the team recognizes and respects this.

5. Their style has evolved the game tremendously.

Steph and Klay have normalized the three point shot, making it more and more common for big men (and players who really have no business shooting threes *cough* Brooke Lopez *cough*) to practice the maneuver. They've normalized the shot, even from incredible distances, making it a staple if one's main focus is offense. Klay, specifically, has also put pressure on other players to be solid two-way players, encouraging the development of solid mid-range shots at the very least from primarily defensive players.

The warriors offensive and defensive strategies have been discussed at length by Shannon Sharpe and Skip Bayless, and Steven Avery and Max, perpetuating the influence they've had over the evolution of the NBA.

6. They appeal to the kids.

Scenes like this are not abnormal in the stands of Warriors games, especially from the kids. In fact, one of their biggest fans has an Instagram page devoted entirely to the experiences they have with the team. The team has garnered the support of kiddos from all around the country, inspiring generations of love for the game.

7. They're involved in their community.

Throughout the Bay Area, the Golden State Warriors team members and staff are constantly involved in community betterment programs. They participate on the front lines with kids from the community, placing emphasis on academic performance, personal fitness, and the importance of giving back to your community.

The "Not On Our Ground" campaign focuses on inclusiveness and initiatives to prevent bullying. "Go Green" looks to educate members in San Francisco about the environment, and what they can do to preserve it. The "Season of Giving" program connects the Warriors to children in hospitals, allowing them to visit and "grant wishes." The program also advocates the team serving food at homeless shelters, and organizing toy drives for local children.

8. The players are family oriented.

TONS of photos and videos are available of Steph, Kevin Durant, and Draymond Green showing love and appreciation for their family, showing how vital the family of these athletes are to them.

Steph is often recorded with one or both of his daughters on his lap during post game conferences, constantly beaming with pride at the attitudes they exhibit. Kevin Durant has always been depicted as having nothing but admiration for his mother, especially after his 2014 MVP speech, thanking his mother for being the "real MVP." Draymond has continued to show his mother support, rallying after Cavs fans heckled her during the 2017 NBA Finals. He "wasn't worried," proud of his mother for being the spitfire she is.

9. It's obvious that they genuinely enjoy their profession.

The guys very obviously have FUN while on the court, making them entertaining to watch. Each of them know that it's a career, and that they aren't there to waste time, but it doesn't stop them from enjoying little moments with their teammates and fans.

10. They don't take for granted the support of their fan base.

Again, there are TONS of photos and videos online of Golden State players going out of their way in order to acknowledge fans. This isn't something that they need to do but, because they recognize the importance of the support (#StrengthInNumbers), they often give back and acknowledge the commitment.

11. Really, only Cavs fans dislike them.

And who takes Cavs fans seriously?

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