10 Shockers from "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Shockers from "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life"

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10 Shockers from "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life"
Jeff Mason

The day Gilmore Girls fans have been waiting for almost 10 years finally came on Friday. The four-part revival was no doubt binge-watched by fans everywhere, including myself. It was the first time in years I watched “Gilmore Girls” without being able to say the lines word-for-word with the characters.

We laughed, we cried and then we got angry, or at least that’s what I did. But, before the anger and confusion, there were quite a few unexpected twists. Here are my top ten shockers from “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.”

1. Sookie doesn’t work at the Dragonfly Inn.

It is no secret that Melissa McCarthy’s career has taken off since “Gilmore Girls” went off the air and fans were happy to hear McCarthy confirm she would be a part of the revival earlier this year, despite her busy schedule. But her return is not exactly what they may have expected.

Sookie was Lorelai’s right-hand at the Independence Inn and her business partner at the Dragonfly Inn, but she is nowhere to be found in the revival until the last part of the series. She is working at Dan Barber's Blue Hill Farms in a different part of the state.

Sookie does make a special appearance for a very special event – a wedding!

2. Michel is married?!

Yes, grumpy gills himself found a hubby. Frederic, Michel’s husband, never makes an actual appearance on the show, which is very Mr. Kim-esque, but he is mentioned several times because he wants to raise a baby with Michel.

Yes, Michel may become a father. Everyone should be scared.

3. There is a lack of marriages between other characters.

Luke and Lorelai are not married, Paris and Doyle are divorced, and Rory is nowhere close to tying the knot. The show is even unclear if Kirk and Lulu got married.

Wedding bells are heard throughout Stars Hollow before the end of the revival, though.

4. Lorelai STILL has her brown Jeep.

This Jeep is a metal marvel because it is still running. But, not surprisingly, it is running with the help of Gypsy who appears to have a hate filled relationship with the ancient vehicle.

5. Lorelai’s Jeep is not the only surprising appearance.

The creators of the show really need to give themselves a pat on the back for the character appearances they were able to squeeze into the revival. Remember, Jason Stiles? How about Francie Jarvis, Tristan Dugray, or Gil? All of them are present, even if their presence is short-lived.

Of course, no one remembers Mr. Kim because he never actually made an appearance in any of the seven seasons of the show, but he is in the revival for a fleeting moment.

6. Luke has Wi-Fi.

Luke is, without a doubt, Mr. Anti-Technology, so it’s surprising he took the plunge and got Wi-Fi. What’s not surprising is that he won’t give people the password, or the right password anyways. But it is fun to hear what he comes up with for fake passwords.

DinerDanes321 isn’t even the best one.

7. The Life & Death Brigade hasn’t experienced death yet.

The secret society Rory discovered at Yale during her undergrad is still alive. Colin, Finn, Robert, and even Logan go back to their old ways of drinking, partying, and spending enormous amounts of money with Rory by their sides for a few colorful, magical scenes.

8. Paris is the owner and operator of a surrogate service.

Paris, as Rory once said, is not just the hammer, but also the entire toolbox. Fans always knew she would do big things and she did.

Paris has two children and a very successful surrogate service. She matches couples with young women, often referred to as breeders in the show, who will carry their baby for them.

Once again, fans always knew Paris would do great things, but they likely didn’t imagine her helping couples create a family.

9. Rory’s entire life was unexpected.


Most fans of the show know that the beloved Amy Sherman-Palladino did not write the last season of “Gilmore Girls” due to a contract issue, therefore, it is not a total surprise that the revival did not follow everything from the last season. But, for Rory, the storyline did a complete 180.

She appears to be based out of London at first, but she eventually returns to Stars Hollow where she volunteers to run the Stars-Hollow Gazette. She can do that because she does not have a full-time job or any permanent work. She also has a boyfriend she constantly forgets about and a very close relationship with Logan, despite the fact that he’s engaged.

Rory just seems lost until Jess gives her the idea to write a book about her relationship with Lorelai. Fans are almost convinced she’s going to get it together and be okay until those famous last four words come out of her mouth.

Oh, and she tap dances, too. Be on the lookout for those magical moments.

10. The Gilmore Girls, like “Amazing Grace”, are all a little lost and then found.

Emily hasn’t been mentioned because it really was not surprising that she would be lost after Richard’s death. As Rory said in her high school valedictorian speech, they were the twin pillars of her life.

Emily goes a little crazier than usual and does some soul-searching before finding herself settled in a new home with a new family by her side. Richard is not around, but Emily’s a fighter and she finds her own peace.

The trailer released about a month ago where Lorelai said life seems hazy teased fans. With Sookie gone and Michel in limbo, her work is more unfamiliar than ever. Luke is the same old Luke, but that appears to be part of the problem. But Lorelai is just like Emily, whether she would admit it or not, and finds her answers in a very unexpected journey out west and fixes the haziness.

Who knows what will happen with Rory? But really, does anyone know? She was the most lost of the three and fans likely thought she was getting it together right up until the moment when Amy Sherman-Palladino drops that four-word bombshell on us at the end.

With an ending like that, it would be a shame to not do more episodes.

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