Read This If You're Voting For Bernie Sanders
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Read This If You're Voting For Bernie Sanders

An open letter to millennials, from a Pro-Clinton millennial.

Read This If You're Voting For Bernie Sanders

Dear Fellow Millennial,

It is no difficult task to appreciate presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and his impeccable ability to energize a crowd. Prior to developing my knowledge in the current election, I found myself interested in the passion Bernie profusely expressed for my generation, minority, the less fortunate, and downtrodden. His expression of anger and distrust within the foundation of our political system he, himself serves, is something that I know many Americans admire, but friends, I urge you to enhance your judgment. The purpose of this article is not to discourage you from supporting Bernie Sanders, but to epitomize the reasons why I firmly believe Hillary Clinton is a better suited candidate for President of the United States. The opinions I share with you, are based foremost on facts – information that I tirelessly collected from a variety of sources including both the Sanders and Clinton campaign sites, esteemed organizations, and reputable periodicals.

One of the most troubling factors I have faced while engaging in discussion with peers on the election is consistently meeting individuals who lack a general interest in expanding their knowledge of the candidates they support, beyond their Twitter timeline or Facebook wall. Surely enough, it should not be such a travesty to type into a search engine what can be done in the same time of scrolling through old tweets from the night before. This absence of our generation’s ability or furthermore willingness to self-educate is shameful, and despite the fact that many are aware of the goals a candidate supports, they fail to recognize the differing plans of action to accomplish such goals. With this article, I aim to provide information that might not otherwise be sought after by my millennial companions.

Below, I took the liberty of separating out the issues Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton place emphasis on in their campaigns.

As listed on both the Clinton and Sanders campaign sites, the following diagram shows the issues each candidate plans to tackle, that is not endorsed by their counterpart through a focused, andcomprehensive plan:

As indicated by the star, pressing issues to be tackled by both Clinton and Sanders follow:

The Campaign Finance Reform/Restore Democracy, Climate Change & Energy, College Debt, Disability Rights, Raising Income/Living Wage, HIV AID’S, Veterans, Health Care, Lowering Prescription Drug Costs, Women’s Right’s, Racial Justice, LGBT Equality, Protecting/Strengthening Social Security, Workforce/New Skills, Paid Leave/Family Values, National Security, Rural Community Improvement, College Debt/Affordability, Supporting HBCUs, Humane Immigration Policy

As previously stated, both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders share goals of bettering the lives of the American people, however their aims to resolve these issues differ greatly. For instance, although Sanders discusses Criminal Justice Reform and Gun Violence Prevention, he identifies the two matters under the category of Racial Justice – an issue Hillary Clinton also addresses. In this case, the fact of the matter is that in separating these issues, Clinton brings forth a necessary distinction that ultimately places emphasis on the individual attention that each matter deserves. Simple differentiation in these areas make a difference.

Read about Clinton's Consistent efforts for Gun Violence Prevention here:

Read about Clinton's Reform Supporters for Gun Violence Prevention here:

Although all political plans will ultimately effect our futures, as a millennial, it is no surprise that numerous issues spark particular interest. In efforts to maintain an immediately relatable platform, I provided information on the differences in policies between Clinton and Sanders' plans for the issues of Campus Sexual Assault, LGBT Rights, College Debt/Affordability, and Supporting HBCU's.

Campus Sexual Assault is an issue that should be recognized and tackled immediately. In the earliest stages of developing my political ideals and deciding which candidate to support in this election, each contender's plan for Campus Sexual Assault would be one of the key deal breakers. Before becoming essentially waist-deep in information, I truly admired Bernie Sanders, as stating in the beginning of this piece. His devotion to my generation was more than admirable, so when I came to realize he had no plan for tackling Campus Sexual Assault, I was outraged. How could someone who is adored by the majority of my peers lack interest in preventing a severe and growing issue so close to my heart? I further went to overview Sanders' campaign plans for Women's Rights hoping the issue of CSA was mentioned, but again, he lacked mention of the subject. In my search through the Clinton campaign site, I had no trouble excavating exactly what I was looking for: a comprehensive plan to address and eliminate the issue of Campus Sexual Assault. In addition to this plan was a history of efforts Clinton has pursued on the matter, and as part of her Health Care plan, one of the aims of Hillary is to ban the Hyde Amendment; a law preventing funding for abortion unless in the cases of rape, incest, or saving the mother that still stands in roughly 32 states.

Read about Clinton's Plan for Tackling Campus Sexual Assault here:

[I additionally urge you to watch the astounding documentary "The Hunting Ground" for more information on Campus Sexual Assault]

Upon learning of the differences in the Clinton and Sanders campaigns regarding Campus Sexual Assault, I began to centralize my focus on Hillary Clinton and what else she can offer our country. Time and time again, I see my peers argue that Clinton is untrustworthy. An issue that sparked much controversy was Clinton's change in position on gay marriage. Yes. At one point, Hillary Clinton did not support gay marriage; but she does now. At one point, the majority of America did not support gay marriage either. I personally believe that Clinton's previous lack of support was based on what was formerly believed to be in the best interest of the majority of Americans. Hillary Clinton's devotion to advocating for all is most apparent in this, because she was mature and open-minded enough to formulate a more accepting belief. It can be argued that Clinton's "switch" in support was a political strategy, however, her realization has led to a plan to overcome the barriers of LGBT inequality. Believe it or not, Clinton has kept her word in favor of the American people ever since.

Read about Clinton's History and Plan for LGBT Rights here:

Another, pivotal, and highly controversial issue is overcoming the barriers in pursuing higher education. Unfortunately, in the land of the free, it is (highly) economically improbable that college will be free. The impracticality of Bernie Sanders' plan to fund free public college education, is based on a plan that piggy-back-rides on the wealthy where Sanders emphasizes how other countries have already completed the task. I have no doubt that Sanders will attempt to make American public institutions free, however, my doubt lies within the economic costs of his efforts. The plan constructed by Hillary Clinton is not only practical, but comprehensive enough to be completed. A significant factor in the Clinton campaign is Hillary's transparency when making promises. Although Bernie Sanders makes ideal promises to his followers, the question of how he plans on delivering is up in the air, being repeatedly criticized with good reason.

Read about Why Sanders' Plan for Free College is unlikely here:


Read about Clinton's Plan for College Debt and Affordability here:

Read about Clinton's Support of HBCU's here:

Although Sanders advocates for a strong majority, it is evident that he favors Americans. I fully believe that it is time for America to become whole once more - that we must join hands with a leader that is fighting for every single one of us. The entirety of the Sanders campaign loosely surrounds an impending "political revolution". In a perfect world, Bernie Sanders' promises are statements of false hope to the American people. The world is not perfect. Our country is not perfect and the realm of politics is sophisticated in the sense that relationships matter. Bernie Sanders' lack of political following and lack of substantial political achievements may essentially prevent him from acquiring votes in support of his policies. I have barely scraped the surface of the technicalities surrounding the Democratic end of this presidential election, but so long as I have enlightened one person through this letter, I am satisfied.

As I conclude this letter, I wish to close in explaining the most important factor in why I support Hillary Clinton. In her words, "I want to be a president for the struggling, the striving, and the successful." Clinton advocates for all. It is apparent in Clinton's policies where she does not antagonize the successful, but further supports them, only asking for a "fair share" that is essentially, fair. It is apparent in Clinton's devotion to those striving to be successful whether in her support of small businesses, or her longstanding history of supporting those who face adversity. It is apparent in Clinton's endless efforts to aid the struggling, not only in our country, but in all corners of the world. With a record as packed and consistent as Hillary Clinton's, I have no doubt that #ShesWithUs and that is why #ImWithHer.

I hope you will join me.

With Love,

A Clinton Supporting Millennial

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