A (Gay) GIF Guide To A Two-Year Relationship
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A (Gay) GIF Guide To A Two-Year Relationship

What two years looks like in Bob's Burgers' GIFs

A (Gay) GIF Guide To A Two-Year Relationship

As of April 25th, my boyfriend and I will be celebrating two years of being together. Now I know there are people who have been in relationships for a lot longer than that (those weirdos who've been dating the same person since freshman year of high school, for example). This probably seems like a drop in the bucket for you veterans of the dating world. But for me, two years is a long damn time, and I'm proud as hell of the relationship my boyfriend and I have cultivated. Originally, I was going to make a really sappy post about how precious these two years have been, how lucky I feel, etc. But then I decided to do something better. So here's my two-year relationship (and to some extent any relationship of equal length) as described by Bob's Burgers GIFs. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy binge-watching this magical show!

It begins when you spot the person of your dreams (regardless of what those dreams would be rated by the MPAA).

For me, this happened in my freshman writing class. First semester, freshman year of college — not the best time for me to fall head-over-heels. But it happened anyway.

Once you've set your target, you have to amp yourself up to talk to that special someone.

You might border on delusional at times, but it's all worth it as long as they notice you. Right?

With enough self-confidence holding you upright, you go in for the kill.

I started sitting next to him in our writing class (when I showed up for class, that is). This might not seem as daring as Tina's slow dancing, but my anxiety made me feel as though I might as well be grinding on top of my desk.

Eventually they notice you (time period may vary) and you develop a system of contact.

Giving this special someone your number seems terrifying, but I promise you it's even scarier than you can imagine. But it's worth it, because after this step you can start talking to them more often. *Swoon*

The date at which you decide whether to be "official" seems riddled with life's obstacles, including, but not limited to, looking terrible.

I promise you, though, in the long run this won't matter much. I honestly cannot even remember when exactly this decision was made. Just be yourself and you'll get through it — raccoon eyes and all.

And then it happens: you have a partner!

I don't want to encourage anyone to hold back their enthusiasm, but just be warned that it may feel like you're exploding from the inside but somehow you're happy about it.

For those of you who choose to "get nasty" with it, these first few months of the relationship are likely the most "active."

Don't worry if at any point this period tapers off, this is something that happens all the time and is totally natural as you become closer to your partner. But for those of you nymphomaniacs who keep this very much alive, more power to you.

A key to a stable, long-lasting relationship is integrating your sleep schedules — sometimes into a single bed.

Be patient. It's just as hard for them to deal with your endless questions as it is for you to listen to their snoring. Plus, cuddling totally makes up for it.

Eventually you get to that sweet spot where you might as well be a two-person gang. And everyone notices.

The term "partner-in-crime" can apply on multiple levels depending on your interests.

But unfortunately, things are not always the best. You don't always want to do the same things, for example.

And sometimes your conceding only makes the situation worse.

You have competitions of who can throw the most shade.

This usually results in hurt feelings and possibly tears — just FYI. Even though you might high-five yourself in the bathroom for that great one-liner you delivered.

There will be moments of sheer verbal brutality.

Try to remember in these moments that the "winner" is not who hurts the other person the most, but rather who steps back first and saves the relationship instead.

But then you remember your life is still going on around you, and you have to pretend your personal life is not imploding.

This is a great time to practice your own "everything's okay" face. Just try to make it more approachable than Tina's.

For one reason or another, eventually (if it's meant to be) you see past the nonsense and fall in love with them all over again.

It might have something to do with their butt, but if those cheeks are the only reason you're staying with them you might be in it for the wrong reasons.

Attention-cravers beware!

If you're anything like me, you want constant attention from your partner. You might even dress up as Beefsquatch if necessary.

After a certain point, the relationship begins to fuel itself.

You begin to wonder how you managed to exist without this person. How are they real? Is this really your life? Are you sure you're not dreaming?

Ultimately, you get to a point where you can reflect on it and realize how lucky you really are.

No matter what happens, you've found someone special who you can squeeze with all the love you have to offer (but try to respect their space, too).

I guess this post got kinda sappy after all, but it is what it is. Happy anniversary, Michael.

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