67 Things To Know About 'Game Of Thrones' Before Watching The Final Season
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67 Things You Need To Know About 'Game Of Thrones' Before Watching The Final Season

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67 Things You Need To Know About 'Game Of Thrones' Before Watching The Final Season

Spoiler warning: "Game of Thrones"

In honor of the premiere of the last season of "Game of Thrones" this past Sunday, I think it's important to review what has happened leading up to this point. As someone who has been watching the series for a while, after watching the first episode of Season 8, I feel like I need a refresher.

Because let's be real, this show is CRAZY.

With seven full seasons, 67 episodes between the seven seasons, each an hour long, that's 67 hours of "Game of Thrones." It is nearly impossible to remember EVERYTHING that's happened throughout the seasons. Of course, if I was going to recount everything that happened on the show, this article would be 2,000-plus pages long, instead, I'm going to go season by season and include only the most important (or most shocking) aspects.

Please be warned... spoilers are coming.

Season 1

1. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros and old friend of Ned Stark, comes to Winterfell to ask for Ned's help.

2. Cersei Lannister, Robert's wife, and her twin brother Jaime are lovers. When Bran catches them, they push him off the tower, leaving Bran paralyzed.

3. Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf brother of Cersei and Jaime, goes north with Jon Snow to The Wall where Jon intends to "take the black."

4. Tyrion is arrested by Catelyn as she believes he is responsible for Bran's fall. He is imprisoned in the Vale. Bronn fights on his behalf and frees him.

5. Robert is injured in a hunting accident, and Ned is named Protector of the Realm.

6. Ned wants to give his title to Stannis, but is betrayed by "Little Finger" and beheaded by Jeoffrey.

7. Sansa is arrested, but Arya escapes.

8. Rob Stark becomes Lord of Winterfell and rallies a northern army to avenge his father's death.

9. Daenerys Targaryen is married to Khal Drogo, the leader of the Dothraki.

10. Daenerys proves her dragon blood by hatching three dragon eggs.

Season 2

1. Tyrion takes over as Hand of the King fo King Jeoffrey (his nephew), while Stannis plots to take the throne due to Jeoffrey's illegitimacy.

2. Robb Stark has Jaime Lannister as his prisoner.

3. Theon Greyjoy is sent to seek an alliance with his father, but rejoins the family and lays siege to Winterfell in Robb's absence.

4. Bran and Rickon are forced into hiding when Theon comes to Winterfell.

5. Catelyn goes to Renly Baratheon, youngest of the Baratheon brothers, to seek an alliance. Renly refuses and is murdered by a shadow figure conjured by Melisandre.

6. Catelyn is accused of the assassination and flees with Brianne of Tarth.

7. Jon Snow discovers that infant sacrifices are being made to the White Walkers. He joins forces with the Wildlings.

8. Arya is captured by Lannister men, forced into the service of Tywin Lannister (Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion's father), and eventually escapes with one of the Faceless Men of Essos.

9. When Stannis's fleet arrives at King's Landing, Tyrion sets fire to the ships, causing Stannis to retreat.

10. Daenerys arrives in Qarth, but is quickly captured along with her dragons inside the House of the Undying.

Season 3

1. Tywin takes over as Hand of the King, and Tyrion is forced into marriage with Sansa.

2. Jeoffrey is pledged to Margery Tyrell, Renly's widow.

3. Jon Snow is still living with the Wildlings, working with their leader Mance, and falling in love with Ygritte.

4. Robb Stark is pledged to Frey's daughter in an attempt to make an alliance, but he falls in love with Talisa, a healer. She becomes pregnant with his child.

5. Frey invites the Starks to his daughter's wedding and butchers Robb, Catelyn, Talisa, their unborn child, and their men.

6. Arya witnesses the killings and flees with "The Hound."

7. Roose Bolton is made Warden of the North.

8. Bran discovers he is a Warg and can enter the body of animals and other people.

9. Brianne begins the journey to King's Landing to return Jaime to his family in return for Sansa.

10. Daenerys gathers an army of thousands called the Unsullied.

Season 4

1. Jeoffrey is poisoned at his wedding to Margery. Sansa is suspected, but rescued and shipped off to the Vale by Littlefinger.

2. Lysa Arryn, Sansa's aunt, attempts to push her out of The Moon Door, but instead, Baelish pushes her. She dies.

3. When Brianne and Jaime arrive at King's Landing, they find that Sansa has escaped. Brianne vows to find her.

4. Cersei blames Tyrion for Jeoffrey's death and imprisons him.

5. Oberyn, prince of Dorn, fights on Tyrion's behalf against The Mountain in "trail by combat," but loses.

6. Jaime frees Tyrion — Tyrion then finds his father with his mistress Shae. He murders him with a crossbow and strangles Shae to death.

7. Ramsey, Roose Bolton's bastard, has captured Theon and tortured him to the point of claiming a new identity: Reek.

8. Jon Snow returns to Castle Black to warn the Watch of the Wildlings plans to seize The Wall.

9. Brianne finds Arya and The Hound and attempts to rescue Arya, but instead lets her get away.

10. Arya leaves for Bravvos to study in The House of Black and White.

Season 5

1. Stannis defeats Mance and the Wildlings, and Jon Snow is voted leader of the Night's Watch.

2. Melisandre convinces Stannis to sacrifice his daughter to the Lord of Light to ensure victory in battle. Stannis does so, burning her at the stake, but his men lose all respect for him.

3. Sansa returns to Winterfell and is engaged to Ramsey Bolton.

4. Stannis attempts to take Winterfell, but is slain by Brianne of Tarth.

5. During the battle, Sansa and Theon escape Winterfell.

6. Cersei has Margery imprisoned for lying in court about her brother's sexuality. In the process, however, she reveals her own sexual impurities and is made to walk through the Capital naked and covered in dirt.

7. Daenerys takes over the city of Meereen, but creates a group of enemies called the Sons of the Harpy.

8. Daenerys is rescued by Drogon, one of her dragons, and taken away from Meereen where she is captured by a Dothraki army.

9. Tyrion becomes Hand of the Queen to Daenerys.

10. Jon Snow leads an expedition to save the Wildlings, but can only return with a few. Other members of the Watch disagree with his actions and kill him.

Season 6

1. Jon Snow is raised from the dead by Melisandre and plans to take back Winterfell.

2. Ramsey puts up a good fight against Jon, but when The Vale enters the battle unexpectedly, Ramsey is defeated and fed to his own dogs.

3. Cersei is still being tried for her crimes but decides to use the last of the Wildfire to destroy the Great Sept of Baelor. In the process, she killed the High Sparrow and Margery. Tommen is distraught and kills himself.

4. Daenerys is being held captive by the Dothraki as they believe she must live in seclusion like the other Khal's widows. She convinces them she has powers when she walks through the fire without being burned.

5. Theon, now free, goes to the Iron Islands and finds his sister. Together they plan to steal the fleet of ships from their uncle and join Daenerys's cause.

6. Arya kills Walter Frey as revenge for his part in the killing of her brother and mother.

7. Bran becomes "The Three-eyed Raven" when the Night King kills his processor.

Season 7

1. Daenerys sails on the Frey ships with both the Dothraki and Unsullied armies. Melisandre attempts to convince her to seduce Jon Snow.

2. Jon meets Daenerys at Dragonstone and they agree to send Yara and the Unsullied to King's Landing.

3. Euron Greyjoy, the uncle of Yara and Theon, proposes to Cersei. She has conditions claiming he must defeat Yara's army. He does.

4. Jaime leads the fight against the Dothraki.

5. Drogon is injured during battle.

6. Jon and Daenerys decide to call a truce with Cersei. They leave to find a White Walker to bring back as proof.

7. Jon is captured by the Night King, saved by Daenerys, but Viserion, one of Daenerys's dragons, is killed and reanimated by the Night King in the process.

8. Jon and Daenerys bring the White Walker to King's Landing to gain Cersei's support. They then return to Winterfell where the two share a moment.

9. Bran is reunited with Arya and Sansa where he reveals that Littlefinger is the one who killed John Arryn. Sansa has him killed.

10. Bran also discovers that Jon is not Ned's bastard, but a Targaryen with a claim to the Iron Throne.

Let me just say, narrowing down each season into no more than ten key points was SO DIFFICULT. But, hopefully, this little bit of information helps you understand Season 8 and the episodes to come!

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