When finals week rolls around the corner, you begin to panic, no matter the grades you have kept up with the whole semester. You may be stressed in the beginning and during each exam, but you have to look forward to the last day of finals when you get to drive home for the summer. We all deal with this dreaded week in different ways, but many stages become overlapped.
1. You realize finals are next week
2. You are determined to start studying
3. But all you want to do is nap
4. You begin to binge watch Netflix to put it off
5. You finally begin to study
6. Coffee becomes your best friend
7. You turn into a zombie from the lack of sleep
8. You get distracted by everything
9. You begin to panic
10. But you gain your motivation back
11. It's finally exam day
12. You walk into class and before you know it, you turn in your last final
13. And then you realize it's summer
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