It's a universal truth that finals week sucks so badly, there isn't a strong enough word to truly convey the pain and misery college students are subjected to in the last weeks of the semester. However, not all finals weeks are the same. Each major faces particular challenges unique to their major's focus. Some people have to take ridiculously hard exams (lookin' at you engineers, you poor, brave souls), some have to do a million case studies, or give tons of presentations. For English majors, our particular version of hell comes true as we head into finals week, because we get stuck having to write paper after paper. And it is brutal. The following is what happens when English majors try to survive finals week.
Starting out your week and thinking about all of the things you need to do:
Trying to get your life organized and together:
Trying to find the Holy Grail is easier than trying to find the paper prompts in all of your stuff that's accumulated in various folders all semester long.You attempt to make yourself a schedule for the week:
"If I start my four-page paper first, I'll totally get it done quickly, and then I can start my 10-pager sooner!" (LOL, like that ever actually happens.)
You when your professor says,"You should have been working on this all semester"
Yeah, OK, buddy. That totally happened.
When you've been staring at a blank word document for over an hour:
Send help.
When you have 10 different tabs open, but none of them relate to your paper:
The Internet is always the most interesting when your to-do list is a mile long.
When you know your thesis/paper sucks, but you can't even begin to care:
Finishing one paper, only to realize you still have three more due:
When you've hit page 5, it's 3 a.m., and nothing makes sense:
Surviving on a diet of pure coffee just to get you through:
Legitimately terrified my heart may give out and any moment, it's fine.
Turning in your last paper of the week:
Mama, I (somehow) made it!