Independence Day
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Independence Day

Yes, it is Independence Day, but are we truly free?

Independence Day

Fourth of July fireworks? Check. Barbecues? Check. Family-get-together? Check. Historic significance on holiday? Not so much. Don't get me wrong, the patriotism is exuberant in American families, but instead of serving up hot dogs and burgers, we need to be justify and help others that don't actually feel free! Which is in fact the definition of Independence Day - a day dedicated to the celebration of our national independence from Great Britain. While such a thing should be celebrated, many are still uncomfortable and do not feel safe thanks to the racist police violence becoming increasingly concerning.

"Black lives matter,” the mobilizing cry of the new movement against racist police violence, is brilliant in its own way. But more striking than the slogan’s ability to express so much in so few words is how painful it is that the message needs to be declared. There has been several issues in the news where police officers have been the center of attention, issues such as the killing of Michael Brown and Eric Garner and the brutal restraining of the Ferguson protesters. Such killings has led to serious trust issues where protesters, of the African American race, express their rage towards the police all over the country. This has only led to the disorganization of communities and the killings of innocent individuals.

The police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner were just a few of the sparks to ignite a fire of Black protesters that at this time of writing, still continues. The killings brought about chaos and distress to many. Stores, both big name brands and small business owned ones, were being looted and vandalized purposely to make a statement to the police.

It is important that trust exists between the police and the community because it will allow for cooperation and peaceful co-existence. Law enforcement officers have accepted a position of visible authority within their communities and are held to an extremely high standard of honesty, integrity, and professionalism. Protests such as the Black Lives Matter movement can influence the public trust in law enforcement by causing an imbalance in society if police officers do not continually reinforce reasonable policies and procedures to the public. Law enforcement officers, therefore, bear the responsibility for demonstrating proper behavior, informing the community about their department’s role in maintaining honor and integrity within the organization, and building a trustworthy working relationship between the public and the police. Such steps, if followed, will promote confidence in both parties. Therefore, police officers can go about their duties without fear and individuals in society can equally walk more freely of harassment on the streets by the police.

Inclusion of a whole race, which is ultimately setting them as scapegoats in a situation that happens in EVERY country, is demeaning and embarrassing.

I don't know about you but I'm sick of having to be weary when I'm walking in public just because of the color of my skin. Inclusion of a whole race, which is ultimately setting them as scapegoats in a situation that happens in EVERY country, is demeaning and embarrassing. Put yourself in my shoes, if not mine then in those of Michael Brown and Eric Garner or those of my fellow brothers and sisters. How would you feel knowing that there's a target on your back each time you leave your home. Walking away with no guarantees of whether you'd be returning. It is definitely a scary thought and it's hard to sit here and celebrate our "independence" when fireworks and gunshots are being simultaneously fired. Blaming the acts of a select number of individuals, whose stories I do not know, on a whole race is just outright immature, lazy and wrong! We as the proud Americans that we are, need to take a good look around us because it may be Independence day, but we were never free as a whole – just the privileged white men!

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