Feminism Content: Misogynists Don't Roll Your Eyes Just Yet | The Odyssey Online
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Feminism Content: Misogynists Don't Roll Your Eyes Just Yet

The day everyone appreciates feminism is the day we will see a better and equal world.

Feminism Content: Misogynists Don't Roll Your Eyes Just Yet
huffington post

There has been a myriad of feminist articles that we scroll past every single day, most of them targeting the patriarchal society - a society that takes the liberty of dictating the day to day do's and don'ts for women. I will spare you the history and tell you feminists have been fighting for a very LONG time, and it is time for men to start being supportive and women to stop pulling each other down. I am addressing those who wear the mask of feminism, but are the very representatives and contributors to this ever-so loving patriarchy. I have encountered numerous archaic misogynists who have laid down the ground rules for what is acceptable of a man and a woman. I would like to assume that some people just don't understand feminism, OR they do and just don't believe in women having the same rights as a man.The word feminism is so loosely associated with "extremist" and "radical" and "crazy man-hater" that it loses its meaning, and what it truly stands for. To those that misunderstand feminism (hopefully you are this kind), or are just purely filled with misogyny (and not this kind) here are a few things I have directly/indirectly heard, and I will try my best to offer an explanation to hopefully change your mind:

1. She must be a man-hater if she is a Feminist.

If I had a penny for every time I heard this, I would be rich by now. Feminism does not promote hate. It highlights the years of discrimination women have faced, and the fight they have put up and continue to put up for the rights they deserve. This is about women fighting for rights, that men already have! Feminists are very much capable of loving men, especially those that flirt about equal pay and gender equality. ;)

2. Wait what about Men's issues? They are important too!

You are absolutely right. Men have issues and they are important. Feminism acknowledges problems of inequality, and it does not differentiate between male and female. However, it becomes a problem when men's issues are brought up ONLY while women's issues are being addressed. Wait for your turn in the spotlight. I have seen this especially when women talk about sexual assault, there is always a man saying "men get raped too!" While that is true and extremely horrible, the reason sexual assault against women gets talked about more is because it is statistically a lot higher. This does not make the latter any less important.

3. Well, some women want to stay at home!

This is totally fine, and it is great. There is a common stigma that feminists look down on stay at home moms, which is completely untrue. Feminists look down on men who make their partners/wives do that, especially when they don't want to. Feminism gives you the right to choose what you want to do. Being a stay at home mom is acceptable and appreciated.These women do not have it easy, they are responsible for the livelihood of the entire family. We need women in all fields on top of their game!

4. Women victimize themselves in the name of Feminism.

Feminism actually does just the opposite. It doesn't give women a pathway to victimize themselves, but rather a pathway to fight back. It gives them courage to raise their voice against discrimination, misogyny, sexism and sexual harassment. So in reality, women enable themselves to be strong and confident and fight for their justice in the name of Feminism.

5. Yeah, I heard she gets around.

Ahh the double standard, our old pal! You know you're a misogynist when you strongly believe women are not "allowed" to do certain things, because it's a "man's job." Or that women have to act a certain way, sit a certain way, dress a certain way, talk a certain way etc..., We don't want those rebellious women who speak their mind, now do we? Let's not pretend that it only takes a woman to consummate a relationship. Let's not brand women with vitriolic labels like "sl*t" or "wh**e." We know this problem exists, and we know it is so wrong. Yet, there are people out there who continue to judge and seem to care so much about others' reputation.

6. Chivalry is dead.

This is a classic misunderstanding of feminism. Wanting to be treated equally and respectfully does not mean chivalry is dead. Chivalry is just another word for courteous or being polite. It only becomes weird if you're overstepping on that person's independence by making them feel like they can't accomplish anything on their own. Buy each other flowers, hold the door open for each other, and pamper each other all you want. Enjoy being in love!

7. Well, she was drunk, and I felt provoked.

I think the word "provoked" is probably my least favorite word in the dictionary. One thing that comes to my mind is the New Delhi bus gang-rape that sparked huge controversies, debates and uprisings. I watched the BBC documentary of the testimonies given by the rapists and I have never felt more disdain ever in my life. This feeling of entitlement over a women's body like she is property or some sort of possession is cringe-worthy. Her attire should not matter, whether she was drunk or not should not matter, and the time of day/night should not matter. That woman died, and her rapists received the death penalty. This is why feminism is needed to make certain misogynists understand that no means no; they are not entitled to everything in sight - for their sake and for those around them.

8. Boys will be boys.

This used to be funny, and then I grew up. It might start small, but eventually it becomes a problem when society starts condoning the actions of men- actions which are typically "in their nature." Behavior needs to be regulated from a young age, actions need to be a accounted for, and not dismissed just because they are a boy. These are the men that grow up to being misogynists and entitled beings.

9. But it says so in the <insert applicable religious text here>!

Lets not bring God into this. Almost every single religion preaches against same-sex relations, pre-martial sex, worldly possessions, polygamy, consumption of drugs & alcohol etc.., We cannot pick and choose what "sin" is okay to commit and what isn't because that is called hypocrisy. So before you tell someone how to dress, how to behave, give them uncalled for names, or "put them in their place," take a look at how you lead your life. You can still have faith and be a feminist! But if you are going to mix religion and feminism, how about instead of using it as an excuse for misogyny, we learn the good things that all religions preach? What about the Golden Rule? Don't judge others? Don't lie? Take responsibility for your actions?

10. Not all men are like that, okay?

Yes, that is very true. There are bad people in every group, and I personally believe that they do not represent that group. However, people that jump to this defensive mode are usually bystanders who don't do anything or say anything. Not doing anything is still a form of encouragement. When you see that one guy friend taking a super intoxicated girl into a room, are you saying "stop it!" or when someone says something misogynistic are you saying "don't say that!" or dismissing it away as locker-room talk? You might truly be an awesome person with good intentions, so use feminism to give you that voice to stand up for what is right.

Feminism is for all. We need feminism because of the 20% pay gap that still exists in the workforce. We need feminism so that women can get home safe, without subconsciously worrying and clutching on to their pepper spray. We need it to promote education and to create strong, confident young minds. We need it so that people can fight for their justice and get what they rightfully deserve without having to worry about retaliation. We need it so that we can teach boys to respect girls, instead of telling girls not to step out of their house after a certain time. We need it so that one day there will be a social, economic and political equality for all sexes.

So, misogynists I really hope you didn't strain your eyes too much with all that eye rolling, because the day everyone appreciates feminism is the day we will see a better and equal world.

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