17 Lyrics From Frank Ocean's "Blonde" That Are Remarkably Relatable
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17 Lyrics From Frank Ocean's "Blonde" That Are Remarkably Relatable

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17 Lyrics From Frank Ocean's "Blonde" That Are Remarkably Relatable
Shakeil Greeley

Frank Ocean's fans have come to realize (over the course of one mixtape, two albums, and a handful of feature verses) that his music is much like that of an onion, whereas you must peel back the layers of the surface in order to feel something. Now, I'm not, by any means, insinuating that Ocean's music will bring you to tears, but it will inevitably muster up some form of emotion if you allow it. In his second studio LP, "Blonde," Frank Ocean holds a mirror to his listeners, inviting each of us to discover something within ourselves. These may not be life-altering epiphanies, but they do shed some light on the darker corners of our minds. Out of the 17 tracks that form the body of "Blonde," each one contains its own unique insight, falling somewhere in between the polar ends of the emotional spectrum.

1. "We don't talk much or nothin', but when we talkin' bout somethin' we have good discussion" -- "Nikes"

We all have that one relationship that doesn't require an extensive amount of communication to stay alive. The conversation that does take place, however, is full of life.

2. "There were things you didn't need to say. Did you mean to?" -- "Ivy"

In the heat of an argument, we sometimes unveil feelings that we never intended to. Even after apologies are exchanged, we are often left wondering whether it was said out of anger or out of honesty.

3. "If you could fly, then you'd feel south. Up north's getting cold soon" -- "Pink + White"

Aside from the fact that not many of us enjoy the cold, we also wish that we could escape our troubles. Not leaving, but instead enduring the cold, builds who we are.

4. "Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself, and know that that's good enough" -- "Be Yourself"

Pretty cut and dry here. Life is much more enjoyable when you decide to live it through your own eyes.

5. "It's hell on Earth, and the city's on fire. Inhale, in hell, there's heaven" -- "Solo"

As chaotic and scary as the world may be, it's important to relax, breathe and recognize the good amongst the evil.

6. "Summer's not as long as it used to be. Every day counts like it's crazy" -- "Skyline To"

The older that I get, the shorter my summers become. I'm only 23, so I can only imagine how much faster time will start to tick.

7. "Wish I was there. Wish we'd grown up on the same advice and our time was right" -- "Self Control"

Sometimes, you come across someone that seems like a perfect fit, but certain factors don't allow you to pursue them. These can be difficult situations to handle, but they strengthen our self-control and resiliency.

8. "You text nothing like you look" -- "Good Guy"

Social media and texting alike are faceless interactions. You can easily become someone else behind a screen, someone far from who you truly are.

9. "Everybody needs you. No, you can't make everybody equal" -- "Nights"

Despite how much I would like to please everyone in my life, it simply isn't possible. I'm ultimately forced to prioritize those that I care for.

10. "I hate that it's like this, I feel for you. I don't know what it's like with a skirt on" -- "Solo (Reprise)"

As a man, there is only so much that I can comprehend about female struggles. Surely, I can sympathize, but eventually, there comes a point where I, as a male, just don't understand anymore.

11. "Fathers of us be kind to the mothers on whom we rely" -- "Pretty Sweet"

Children naturally obtain a protective instinct for their mothers. We expect that our fathers will treat them with respect, and when they don't, it doesn't go unnoticed.

12. "She wanted me to accept her on Facebook. And I don't want it because I was in front of her" -- "Facebook Story"

In this day and age, we seem to be so heavily affected by our relationships via social media. We question even our closest friends based upon the contents of their accounts.

13. "Why am I preaching to this choir? To this atheist?" -- "Close to You"

We often find ourselves, or others, trying to push an agenda or force an opinion. There can only be so much debate before we realize that a majority of people will refuse to budge on their own beliefs.

14. "I didn't care to state the plain. Kept my mouth closed. We're both so familiar" -- "White Ferrari"

When a relationship has reached its end, both parties are usually well aware; it doesn't need to be dragged out or extended any further. Sometimes, there's just nothing left to be said.

15. "Less morose and more present. Dwell on my gifts for a second" -- "Seigfried"

It's incredibly easy to get caught up in personal problems. However, as overwhelming as life may be, it's much more beneficial to focus on the positive aspects of your life, glass half-full style.

16. "There will be mountains you won't move" -- "Godspeed"

There will, without question, be times in our lives that we come across obstacles that cannot be overcome or conquered. It's important to accept this and learn to adapt in the face of hardship.

17. "You could change this track now. Could've changed this a long time ago" -- "Futura Free"

In conclusion, we control our own lives. Each day that we wake up, we have the power and ability to make the change that we would like to see. Whether that be in our own lives or someone else's, it starts with us.

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