Donald Trump: Hero Or Villian? | The Odyssey Online
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Donald Trump: Hero Or Villian?

A Millennial's take on the Trump Rally performance.

Donald Trump: Hero Or Villian?
Kimberly Maynard

At the Trump Rally in Pensacola, Florida on January 15, the USA Freedom Kids performed a musical number in support of candidate Trump. As the generation who talks about “dropping our mix-tapes” we might throw some props Donald Trump’s way for allowing the USA Freedom Kids to perform at his rally, as well as giving them a chance to reach a wider audience. On the other hand, as millennials, we know mainstream media all too well, and have a PhD in references to our favorite television shows, or should I say Netflix shows. I would bet that a solid portion of the the American population, specifically millennials, have seen various shows that could relate back to the USA Freedom Kids performance. If you have ever seen the action packed "Captain America" movie, you may recall the "Star Spangled Man with a Plan" musical number Captain America (Chris Evans) dances to in the movie, and you might have also picked up on the uncanny similarities with the Trump anthem performance.

For starters the dresses worn by the girls at the rally are the exact same as the ones from the "Captain America" movie, besides the additional bow to add a bit of youth to the attire. More importantly, the same concept is brought to both the Trump anthem and the Star Spangled Plan, that there are bad guys that trouble the United States of America, and that the U.S.A. needs that one thing to enable them to beat the bad guys. Although in the Marvel movie the little dance number is an propaganda to encourage Americans at home to help their men out at war by buying bonds,while the Trump anthem is a performance saying the cure for America's ailment is Donald Trump. For Donald Trump, it sounds like a good promotional song, while also allowing some kids get on a stage and perform on live television, a quite rare opportunity for the young ladies. Some may have seen the USA Freedom Kids performance and think cool promotional skit. If you are like me, you might have associated it with the "Star Spangled Man with a Plan" performance and spent the entire video waiting for Donald Trump to come out and punch the bad guys in the face.

However, many could have easily have seen this in a darker, scarier light. Instead of heroic Trump trying to save America, it might have left you feeling frightful of your future. In "The Interview" staring Seth Rogan and James Franco, the opening scene correlates all too well with the Trump anthem. Meanwhile, the performance itself could be seen as the Americanized version of the movie scene. The upbeat tone praising their leader or candidate, the small female child(ren) singing the ode to the great trailblazer, the microphones and sheer seen of the performance, and even down to the "crushing" their enemies, the Trump anthem seemed a bit too similar to the introduction to "The Interview."

Putting Donald Trump, a man who scares many Americans through his former show "The Apprentice" or his current political stances, and comparing him to the dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-un might just invoke a new level of fear. Although, if Trump ever feels like "a plastic bag drifting through the wind" I might be able to relate, but for the most part the Trump rally did not make me feel like a "Firework."

Whether the similarities between the USA Freedom Kids performance and the two scenes from the movies were calculated choices, or sheer coincidence, it has left millennials and movie goers alike associating pop culture and the front runner of the Republican party. This newly found affiliation for Trump may personify him as the hero America needs, or a dictator to fear. Either way, I hope that Trump is not sitting somewhere pulling promotional ideas from a hat of movie scenes, while jamming to Katy Perry's newest album.

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