A Difinitive Ranking Of The Most Terrifying American Horror Story Characters | The Odyssey Online
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A Difinitive Ranking Of The Most Terrifying American Horror Story Characters

The baddest of the bad are put head to head in a race for the most terrifying.

A Difinitive Ranking Of The Most Terrifying American Horror Story Characters

As October approaches, so does the next season of the spooky series that has it's viewers both repulsed and addicted, "American Horror Story." The trailer for this season (set in an extra creepy hotel and starring LADY GAGA) was released a few days ago and I've paused it frame for frame to try and decipher what kinds of characters the many fan-favorite actors and actresses and the few newcomers would be portraying this season. But it also made me go back and think about which of the horrifying characters of the show I think were the creepiest. So here it is folks, a definitive ranking of the scariest characters from all four previous seasons of "American Horror Story."

13. The Axeman (Season 3)

The build up to the Axeman plot line in season three was a lot more terrifying than the actual Axeman, but the guy is still a cold blooded killer. Any kind of serial killer that goes after women scares me, so I had to give him a spot on the list.

12. Constance Langdon (Season 1)

Ok, this lady was just COLD. Like ice queen. And she gave us the first taste of the Jessica Lange characters to come. She did some pretty sick things, but it was all pretty much-justified meaning she doesn't have the same sadistic tendencies as some of the characters higher up in the list so she settles at number 12.

11. Thaddeus Montgomery (Season 1)

I would have to say Thaddeus could be the most physically terrifying character in all four seasons. If you can't remember, Thaddeus was the disfigured son of the abortion doctor and his wife who first owned the murder house in season 1. He chills in the basement of the house and scares the pants off of anyone who crosses his path. He's not actually evil, even though he has committed a few murders, but his physical appearance alone is enough to land him a spot on my list.

10. Madison Montgomery (Season 3)

She's the definition of a crazy five letter word that rhymes with witch (intentional coven pun). She would literally stop at nothing to become supreme. The girl literally rose from the dead to claim her spot at the top. In my opinion, she's not as powerful as she thinks she is, which is why she isn't ranked super high on my list.

9. Twisty The Clown (Season 4)

The poor guy had such a bad rap. His story broke everyone's heart, but before that we were all scared out of our wits by him. And even though he had a tough life, that doesn't excuse the whole murder and kidnapping thing.

8. Marie Laveau (Season 3)

Definitely one person I would want on my side in a fight. She's so scary because she's a voodoo queen, therefore if she were performing her voodoo magic on you, you'd have no idea it was her.

7. Larry Harvey (Season 1)

Arguably the creepiest character of all of the seasons. He popped out of nowhere at the worst times and seemed like the brought badness with him everywhere. On top of that, he's totally selfish and did some pretty horrible things throughout his stint on the show.

6. Fiona Goode (Season 3)

Fiona was no joke. She was for sure the supreme and had no problems showing it. Another ruthless example of someone who would stop at nothing to get herself to the top. She's basically an older version of Madison, but she ranks higher on my list because of the fact that she's, in my opinion, a lot more powerful.

5. Dr. Arthur Arden (Season 2)

A prime contributor to the grossness of season 2. You could tell from the first episode that this guy was up to no good, and your judgement was 100 percent correct.

4. Tate Langdon (Season 1)

UGH, Tate. I love him so much, so it's hard for me to comprehend how truly evil this guy is. Like shooting up a school is one thing, but also (spoiler alert) the fact that he never told Violet that she was dead even though he knew the whole time? Pretty selfish if you ask me. Although he had good intentions and would probably do anything for Violet, I'd still say he's one of the most malicious characters on the show.

3. Sister Mary Eunice McKee (Season 2)

Mary Eunice was just flat out insane. She didn't care who was in her path, she would do anything to get what she wanted. Her manipulative nature is what got her a spot high up on my list.

2. Dandy Mott (Season 4)

Dandy is a new kind of messed up. And that's saying a lot for "American Horror Story." What makes him so terrifying is his lack of empathy for anything he does. His sadistic tendencies were completely ignored by his mother, who spoiled him rotten, and they're enough to literally make a shiver run down my spine. He feels no remorse for anything he did and it's all completely just for the sport of it.

1. Dr. Oliver Thredson/Bloodyface (season 2)

Asylum was so messed up and brutal, but Dr. Oliver Thredson/bloodyface brought it to a whole new level. This guy tops the list because of how charismatic he is when he was first introduced. Like Zachary Quinto (the actor who portrays Thredson) is a great looking guy and I totally trusted him basically the entire season, until it was revealed that he was a freaking psychopathic killer that didn't have an ounce of mercy in his body.

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