A Description Of Every Person In Your Friend Group As Seen By 'Friends'
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A Description Of Every Person In Your Friend Group As Seen By 'Friends'

Yes, they will be there for you even when the rain starts to pour.

A Description Of Every Person In Your Friend Group As Seen By 'Friends'

From the friend who is always the ring leader, to the friend who is constantly eating, to the friend who is continuously desiring the attention to be on them, you can most likely find all of these characters in the friend group you surround yourself with on a daily basis. One of the most iconic friend groups on TV comes from the sitcom "Friends" and each character shows a different personality seen in your very own friend group.

1. Rachel Green

You are: bubbly, attractive, and indecisive

Rachel is that friend who grew up very family oriented, and later on in adulthood went through a difficult phase of becoming more independent. Growing up spoiled, and maybe even a bit sheltered, is what made learning adult tasks like getting a job or raising a baby so hard to adapt to. Throughout the show, Rachel was desired by almost any boy who came in contact with her. Along with her clueless and naive attitude, she also is seen as very lovable and romantic too. Rachel's benefit to the group is how much she cares about her friends, and her dedication to doing what she thinks is best for her and her loved ones.

2. Monica Geller

You are: competitive, passionate, and organized

Monica is that friend who has a slight case of OCD. Her apartment will never be seen in a mess and she keeps everything organized just as she sees fit. She is usually the one to bring all of her friends together and has even been claimed as the glue to hold her group together. She never holds back her feelings and will tell you how it is if you ask for her opinion. Her controlling actions can come off as annoying sometimes but she always has the best intentions when it comes to enjoying some quality time with her best friends who she sees as her family. Monica's benefit to the group is being the friend who you can always depend on whether that be to help organize the best birthday party ever or giving the best advice.

3. Chandler Bing

You are: humorous, sarcastic, and eccentric

Chandler is that friend who never takes a situation seriously and can make a joke out of anything. He had a very disturbing childhood and because of this has a habit of shielding his feelings away from others. He doesn't understand why he doesn't have more friends than he does because he is so witty and insightful. Among his terrible dancing, awkward rambles, and immaturity he uses these things to his advantage to be more comical. He definitely acts on impulse and is constantly speaking before thinking about what you are saying. Even with his habit of giving someone an insult at any possible moment, that is just his way of showing his love and affection. Chandler's benefit to the group is his capability to make any situation light-hearted and enjoyable.

4. Phoebe Buffay

You are: ditzy, kinky, and innocent

Phoebe is that friend who is almost always doing something inexplicable or strange. She had an even more messed up childhood than Chandler and because of this has a lack of morals. She never had the chance to live a normal childhood and because of this has the personality of a child. Throughout the show, she has a hard time keeping a boy around for long because she never viewed her relationships as anything serious. Phoebe's benefit to the groups is she knows how to have fun and guarantees an entertaining story to come out of any time spent together.

5. Joey Tribbiani

You are: charismatic, confident, and simpleminded

Joey is that friend who is known for his hunger in and outside of the bedroom. He is extremely successful, but it's not from his intelligence and instead his incredible acting skills. He is quite the ladies man and is great at picking up women because of his confidence in his sexuality and attractiveness. His carefree personality and sensuality are what is so admirable to his friends. Not being knowledgable works in his favor by coming off as amusing to his pals. When there is a problem with himself or with people he cares about he is determined to solve it no matter what it takes. Joey's benefit to the group is being the best sandwich maker in history and having an irresistible smile and sweet talk to go along with it.

6. Ross Geller

You are: intelligent, realistic, and awkward

Ross is that friend in the group who everyone has a love/hate relationship with. He has a habit of whining and has an Eeyore-esque, pessimistic attitude about him. Bumming everyone else out or putting them in a worse mood is what he is known for doing. Part of the explanation for this negative personality is because of his terrible luck. Accompanying his brilliance, he also acts superior to those around him because he feels smarter than him. He is humorous, but what he finds funny is not appreciated or understood by his friends. Ross's benefit to the group is keeping everyone in line and supplying his friends with a constant reality check.

Just like the theme song from this great sitcom says that friends will "be there for you" no matter what. They each bring a different element to your group but your chemistry is what is so amazing.

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