Dear Boyfriend, Thank You For Everything
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Dear Boyfriend, Thank You For Everything

For all the things you do for me, here is my letter of thanks and apologies because you deserve it.

Dear Boyfriend, Thank You For Everything
Courtney Sharp

For the million reasons I could explain why I love you or the other million I could thank you, I have an entire lifetime to show you these. But I know sometimes we as humans are not the perfect examples of the affection we believe we give, so here is a start to those many things. Because you deserve to be reminded and thanked for everything you do for me.

First off, thank you for sticking through and having the want to actually be a part of my life. I know things with me get crazy and nothing is this picture perfect image of life everyone seems to envision. There are real life problems everyone deals with in different ways, like anxiety or depression...and through all of whatever life has thrown me, you have stuck by my side, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Thank you for constantly reassuring me how beautiful I am, even the most secure and confident woman will struggle sometimes, so it feels good hearing it from time to time. So for someone like me and many others I know reading this and wanting to forward it to all their significant others, I struggle even more with my insecurities, so thank you for doing everything you can to make me stronger.

Thank you for being the anchor when the waves get rough, holding me down to earth when life just isn't going my way and I think of the most ridiculous escape plans from reality. I often don't want to deal with the harsh realness of being an adult or the struggles of my current location, and I talk up these crazy plans of hopping on a plane and never coming back. Even though maybe one day it may actually come to that, you are constantly there to remind me how lucky we are to be where we are now, and to just ignore the stresses and enjoy it.

I'm sorry for not always reminding you these things as often as I should.

Thank you for placing your heart on your sleeve, though your guy friends may laugh and make comments about being whipped, those who appreciate real romance, know how incredibly strong your love is and understand there is nothing wrong with copious amounts of affection.

I'm sorry for not always being as strong as you are, but with that, your strength only brings me closer to one day achieving that.

Thank you for always making me laugh. Rather it's when we are just sitting in bed talking about nothing or when I am crying about who knows what and you just want to peak my smile. Though it may drive me crazy in the moment, it's one of the many reasons I truly love you.

Thank you for listening to my music in the car even when you have no desire to ever like the crap. Or taking the time to learn the words to my favorite songs so you can sing along even though I know you probably secretly hate it. I know when the day comes that you are in the crowd of people at a concert I dragged you to, you will still put on that smile and just enjoy knowing it makes me happy.

I'm sorry for being a butt head, and making situations often more stressful than they need to be, but thank you for always understanding that my anxiety isn't always my friend.

Thank you for letting me vent about anything and everything, though after we may laugh about how silly it was to get upset about stupid stuff, you always, always listen. You may roll your eyes, make jokes and just plain laugh at me, but in the end, I am doing it with you, and I can't thank you enough for putting up with me.

Thank you for keeping the adventure alive in our relationship. No two days are ever the same with us, and I love that. You always find a way to surprise me or introduce new ideas and plans for us to experience together. There is nothing more I love than encountering new and exciting places, but what makes them even more enjoyable is being with the person I love.

I'm sorry for often not believing every word you say when you tell me how amazing I am. My confidence is not at it's highest, but you lift me every day even though I say I don't believe it now.

Thank you for introducing me to things you feel strongly about, I want to be able to see you do the things you love, and see passion in your eyes just as you have done for me. Rather it's letting you do your thing and taking thousands and thousands of photos, kicking my ass in video games or getting heated at a basketball game. Also, thank you for letting me be apart of your family because there is nothing I love more than the love you have for them.

Thank you for being there when nobody else was. When the friends I thought would always be there slowly disappear one by one, I can always count you to wipe my tears, hold me when I am scared and just listen when I need someone most.

Thank you for understanding that I can't always be a proper princess and accepting me for flaws and all. When I wake up looking like a sweaty lion mess, but you assure me I am the cutest through it all.

Thank you for always being just as big of a kid as I am.

Thank you for your constant assurance that you are going nowhere and this life of ours has just begun. Even when the worst of the worst kicks in, I know you aren't going to disappear. And though often I still panic, I know you know it's because I care way too much.

Thank you for just being you. At the end of fights you always remind me it's OK and it's only because we both equally care entirely too much. You sing at the top of your lungs even though you know, you are no "American Idol." You do a little victory dance while you are getting ready in the mornings. You often say things that make me just shake my head and laugh. You always want to take pictures of me even when I have no makeup on and when the complete definition of a hot mess. You talk about far fetched travel plans with me because you also have a vivid desire for those wishes to come true, and mostly because you just like making me happy. You think I look cute with my glasses on when I can't see well enough to drive or read. You'll listen to Irish music on repeat and drink brews with me just because it's something I love. You already know what I am going to ask you before I ask. You just understand me in ways that no other person can.

And most importantly, thank you for being my best friend. For the long nights of laughter, morning of stresses, days of nothing but fun and never ending love.

And for those of you reading this, though the specifics are tailored to my relationship, there are so many things that can be said by these feelings to your special person. Never forget the importance of reminding the person you love why you love them or thanking them for all the great things they do for you. There is a time we all struggle with this, so here is your opportunity to do just that.

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