How To Deal With The Anniversary Of A Loved Ones Death
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How To Deal With The Anniversary Of A Loved Ones Death

Crying is a sign of strength.

How To Deal With The Anniversary Of A Loved Ones Death


No matter how hard this step may be sometimes its quite essential that you know they will always be there for you. Whether its when you're a mess, or you mess up. They are there to be a supportive shoulder to cry on or a reliable source to rant to.


There is no getting past this one lightly, even if you dont want to hear it you cant beat around the bush. This is a fact that will sadly never change no matter how much you would like it to. You need to look at the pasts unfairness to reminice and find the brightness in the chaos life will always hand to you.


We can deal with whatever life may throw at us. But just remember we overcome it and come out suprisingly stronger in the end. You may feel like you are at your weakest point but the truth is you just delt with the biggest curveball and life haulting move life can throw at you.


I know it feels like no one understands these feelings you spin through, you feel lost, hopeless, angry, unbearabley sad, and mostly unguided with life. Many people may not understand the hurt you are going through, but its important to know you are not alone with this grief, many others share these feelings with you. opening up to someone else may be the hardest thing you do, but it could also be the most rewarding.


You may also be afraid that you will soon enough forget the way they talked or sang in that horrible hideous voice they used, the way the looked with that big truly happy smile on their faces, the way the laughed at that ridicoulsly unfunny joke, or the way they cried when something deeply hurt them, you'll never forget. The song they used to sing in that horrendous voice pops on the radio.. they are the first thing that comes to mind. That joke you heard them laugh at is now making you smile (not because its funny cause it never will be) because you hear their laugh and see that precious smile. They will always be there.


This is a tough one. crying to some people may indicate weakness, but in all reality all crying is is a form of strength. it is a sign we are letting go of the pain and suffering we have been building up or holding onto. It indicates we are emptying a sorrowful heart, allowing us to open up to healing and to get rid of that weight we now carry heavily.


It’s okay to still continue to do things in life that are enjoyable to you and make you happy. Honestly to see you smile makes them happy. We all know they wouldn’t want us crying and sitting in our sorrow. Having positive energy and happiness around each other makes it easier to accept the fact that we have to be happy for them, and for each other. Smiling is contagious, and laughter is the best medicine. Let’s give them something to look down and be proud of.


You seem to forget you are not the only one going through this mess, with these back and forth emotions and trying to balance the new adjustment in your live. Seeing everyone else's strength is admirable, just try to remind them and yourself you’ve come a long way, and you grow every day. Be proud of how far you have all come.


We cry. We laugh. We mope. We get angry. We don’t understand. We don’t want to talk about it. But the god awful truth is we miss you. We all want that one last memory. We don’t want to miss you anymore. We want one more hug, one more laugh, and one more crazy adventure. The truth is we'll always want one more, even if could have one more it’s never enough. We say your name just to hear it, we play the videos just to laugh. We look at the pictures just to smile, we tell stories just to heal. It’s hard to miss someone you can’t see, or touch, or tell them you miss them. This is why we do all these things. To cushion the pain and remind us that even though we can’t make more memories with you the ones we have are unforgettable we will cherish forever.

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