Edward Lowe's Mission: To Disembowel, Dissect, And Roast | The Odyssey Online
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Edward Lowe's Mission:  To Disembowel, Dissect, And Roast

He sliced off the man's ears, made the man eat them, and then slaughtered the victim before his crew.

Edward Lowe's Mission:  To Disembowel, Dissect, And Roast

In my Atlantic World History at UK, my professor recently gave a lecture on the Age of Piracy in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. There was one particular pirate who captured my attention above all the rest - Edward Lowe.

An Englishman born into a family with low socioeconomic status, he started out his life by resorting to unscrupulous means to acquire profit. After his wife, Eliza Marble, died in childbirth, he would decide to lead a life of piracy.

Lowe is perhaps best known for his savagery and violence. This idea seems important to me considering the way that a lot of indigenous civilizations were accused of being "savage" by European powers because of their sacrifice or cannibalistic rituals. To an extent, the life of Edward Lowe turns the conventional exploration story on its head and demonstrates the savagery of some Europeans in the 1600s and 1700s. Plus, it offers a real-life tale of a pirate who actually existed.

That being said, here are eight ridiculously striking facts about Edward Lowe:

Lowe tried to shoot his captain in the face because the captain told him that he would have to wait a bit longer to eat dinner


According to Matthew Harper in "Bay Islands Voice," Edward Lowe once embarked on a ship when he was extremely hungry. He asked the captain when he would be able to eat. The captain explained that all the crew had was rum and they would have to wait. A crew member said that Lowe did not take this responsibility very well. He picked up a musket and aimed it directly at his captain's face. Luckily for the captain, the shot missed. But caught in the crossfires, another poor fellow was shot in the throat.

I guess there may be something to the phrase "hangry" after all.

He had his own unique flag for his ships


Unlike most pirates who simply used a skull and crossbones design, his flag used the one pictured above. Lowe also used a skeleton but he was colored blood-red and held a knife and an hourglass. I am not sure what this flag specifically symbolized through Lowe's eyes. But for me, it would seem that the stabbing of the heart almost represents the pirate's dedication and obsession with torturing his victims. I also believe that the hourglass could indicate the amount of time that is running out for his enemies on other ships, who he is about to capture.

Lowe sliced off a man's ears and made the victim eat them

In a raid on a whaling ship, he captured the leader. He sliced off the man's ears, made the man eat them, then slaughtered the victim before his crew. It is rumored that this diabolically repulsive act was a common practice for Lowe. After raiding another Spanish ship, he made the crew members eat each other's hearts before killing them.

He made his victim's deaths into a sinister spectacle


Lowe frequently tortured the victims from captured ships in front of an audience of his other victims, eliciting fear before he killed them. Another popular example includes the time that he roasted his victims over a fire. Several different historians who have analyzed Lowe's twisted torture style argue that he was definitely a psychopathic figure.

It is highly likely that he raided hundreds of his ship during his career of piracy


Historians disagree over the exact magnitude of Lowe's raids. Despite this fact, it is certain that what began with an expedition to cut logwood quickly turned into a huge life's expedition for Lowe. Numerous websites list fifty-plus cases of ships that Lowe was responsible for raiding.

Lowe showed compassion for his daughter, despite his otherwise psychotic behavior

In "The Pirates of the New England Coasts, 1630-1730," George Francis Dow states crewmen remarked that Lowe still seemed to care for his daughter. On page 142, Dow states that the mere mention of the girl would fill the otherwise evil man's eyes with tears.

If a man was married, he may not be impressed into the membership of Lowe's crew

Apparently showing a small extent of compassion for family life because of his own family, Lowe didn't make married men join his crew as often as he did the single men.

His crew committed mutiny and the French courts would hang him


Edward Lowe died by hanging from the decisions of a French court. One night, it was said that he got into an argument with a crew member aboard the "Merry Christmas." After killing this individual, his crew committed mutiny Henry Hudson style. Lowe would be found floating along the waterways by Frenchman. The people who rescued him discovered his identity and executed him.

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