What It's Like To Cover Political Conventions
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What It's Like To Cover Political Conventions

An ode to the correspondents working the toughest of jobs!

What It's Like To Cover Political Conventions

This year has been a crazy roller-coaster ride for politics. From Ted Cruz being the supposed "Zodiac Killer," to Ben Carson forgetting he even ran for the Republican Party, 2016 has been the year of strange politics and for someone who's never cared for politics, I've had to pay extra careful attention in hopes of finding the right candidate to vote for. With all of the uproar from the recent national conventions, I decided to focus on the real superstars of this all: the news correspondents covering it all!

"Weekend Update," the popular 7-minute comedy news update show running on "Saturday Night Live," has had its ups and downs with most fans. Anchors Colin Jost and Michael Che, decided while on their break to take up covering the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, putting a spin on the normally stagnant updates from other anchors.

Jost, a former head writer for "Saturday Night Live," used his wit and humor to grab audiences attention and bring out the comedic side of politics. The conventions were like a giant playground to the two anchors, and they sure did play. From their game of "Who is Mike Pence?" that appeared on "The Today Show" to even chatting with Bernie supporters!

Starting with the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, both anchors spoke live on MSNBC following the speeches of Mike Pence and even Willie Roberts from "Duck Dynasty!" Cracking jokes about the many speakers, including poking fun at Rudy Giuliani's speech as he screams, "There is just America! What happened to it?" Jost following that with, "Nothing unites people like screaming at them." Of course you can't have "Weekend Update" without a little bit of fun, including the appearance of Kate McKinnon dressed as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg serving up some "Gins-burns," and Michael Che playing the brand new game "Trumpemon: GO!" Where he walked around trying to catch minorities at the convention, he even got mistaken as cast-mate Jay Pharoah!

To watch the full RNC coverage, click [here].

A week later, Colin Jost and Michael Che then moved on to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Commentating first on Hillary's screen presence comparing her to that of a James Bond villain or even North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and saying her effects were so old she'd been waiting a long time to be able to do something like this. What stood out most to me were the amount of Bernie protesters at the convention, Che pointing out that among all of them were hoards of white girls crying about Bernie not being the democratic candidate. Stating, "What you so sad about? You're gonna be fine! What do you think is going to happen if Bernie Sanders doesn't get to be president? You still get to be white!" Colin Jost then going on to say, "I just like that they thought Bernie would get up there and calm his delegates down. Like you've ever heard Bernie's voice and felt calm? Nothing calms people like a screaming old Jewish dude!" at this point I was in tears, I couldn't stop laughing and thought well he's not wrong. On top of all of this, the comedy duo decided to give back to the community and hand out water to everyone outside. They were handing out "Trump-Ice" that had people jumping and screaming at the sight of it. "Don't let hate, change the way you hydrate!" Che stated while waiting for more people to come get some water. They did state after the clip everyone accepted the water due to the heat outside.

Just like at the RNC, Jost and Che continued their fun outside of "Weekend Update" and filmed a little bit for "The Today Show." Both of them went around outside and inside the Wells Fargo Convention Center in Philadelphia talked to the absurdly dressed Bernie supporters. Asking them questions like if they trusted Hillary Clinton and how far they would trust her. Che even asking if one man would trust her with his email, to that the man replied no.

You can watch the full DNC coverage [here] and "The Today Show" clip [here].

Although I loved watching their coverage on both parties, and thoroughly enjoyed their commentary to the point I was in tears, I just can't help but not like either party. For the first time in my life I get to vote, and almost feel the need not to. I am choosing to keep my choice to myself as to not start up any kind of uproar, but I'd love to hear your choice and why you chose them! Let me know what you thought about the conventions, or even the debates from forever ago! I'd love to be able to chat and hear your take on all of this!

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