Why Costco Is Every College Student's Best Friend
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Why Costco Is Every College Student's Best Friend

You know you love Costco.

Why Costco Is Every College Student's Best Friend

Whether you are a single college student or you live in a sorority/fraternity house full of people, Costco is the best financial choice you could possibly make during your time as a student. However, this isn't just a store. This is car insurance. This is spring break. This is dinner throughout the entire semester. This is the perfect place to start a line of credit. Costco is the key to smart shopping and nobody understands more than students how important that is to stay within budget during the school year.

You probably read the above paragraph and said, "That's great and all, but I'm not paying money to shop in a store." To respond to that I will tell you that you will probably never have to pay for your membership ever again after your first year. Costco offers two memberships. They offer their Gold Star which is a flat $55 and allows you to shop in the store and have access to their services and website. Other than that, there's no other benefit to that membership. In fact, you very well could end up paying more for that membership than your "more expensive" other option.

The other option is the Executive Membership ($110), which allows you to shop in the store, online and gain access to their services (including discounted car insurance, low-cost checks for your rent payments, quality identity protection and more). All of that, plus you earn 2-percent cash back on all qualified purchases in the store and online. The only exclusions are with state-regulated items like your booze, gas and stamps. That means that all the Gatorade, mac and cheese, fruit snacks, condoms, etc ... are not only dirt cheap with high quality, but you're earning money back on them throughout your entire membership year. Talk about a deal. Afraid you aren't going to benefit from the program? Costco is totally, completely, 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed. If you aren't happy with your product, return it half-full and get a full refund. Didn't like your membership? Get a refund.

Still need some convincing? How does an $8 1.5 liter bottle of wine sound? How does a 10 percent discount on any make-your-own-case-of-wine sound? A 48 pack of Kirkland Light beer at Costco is just $21.99 -- that's 44 cents a can. With all the beer we go through on campus, I know everyone could use a discounted price like that! So, you don't drink. That's fine. You might be more interested in the impressive amount of organic and gluten-free options that Costco offers, all typically at less than a 13-percentmarkup. To put that into perspective -- Trader Joe's marks up an average of 75 percent.

Maybe you don't like food or booze,maybe you're actually ... a machine?! Perfect. Costco's gas is the cheapest you can find locally. They have their own refineries, so they're able to do five times the required amount of detergent in their gas to help your car run cleaner and safer. The only bad thing about Costco is that they don't take any kind of credit card except for the American Express card. However, that's due to change on June 20 when they replace it with the Visa card. For years, Costco was offering the AMEX card for free with any paid membership with 0 percent APR for the first six months and cash back options like 3 percent on gas (anywhere, including at Costco), 2 percent on restaurants and travel, and 1 percent on everything else (including at Costco). This was an excellent way for members to pay for their goodies with anything other than cash, check or debit with the pin, but this card is no longer offered. Instead, starting in June, your local Costco is going to start offering the new co-branded Citi Group Visa card. The new card will offer 4 percent on gas, 3 percent on restaurants, 2 percent on travel, and 1 percent on everything else. It also includes extra warranties, so if you live behind the engineering building -- no worries! If anything you purchase on your new Costco credit card gets stolen within $120 ($90 in NY), they'll reimburse you! What a steal! (Pun Intended)

Now I want to ask you to do something for me. Look down. Are you wearing pants? If yes, then perfect. If no, then perfect. If yes, you obvious have great taste in clothing. Costco sells brand-name clothing including DKNY, Puma, Calvin Klein, Levi's and more depending on your store. If you answered no, you should go to Costco right now and get some pants. Or, if you aren't a crazy person and refuse to spend $100 on leggings, check out their KS line of clothing. #YogaPantsHeaven

So, at some point, we are all going to grow up and (maybe) get married. Your girlfriend deserves the best. She dealt with you all through undergrad and you owe her big time. Lucky for you, Costco sells Tiffany-like, quality diamond rings at the Costco price. There's no excuse for you to not get her that 2 CT ring that she deserves! Not going to get married? No big deal. Treat yourself to a 55" Samsung Smart TV for only $500. Or maybe you want to get yourself a Cartier watch. Do it! Costco has it all.

Speaking of marriage -- do I hear wedding bells!? Costco has their own floral department. So look no further for your flower arrangements! At a Costco price, they have all the deal-seeking brides scratching yet another job off of their list. How about those cakes, though? If you've never had a Costco cake, I'm sorry. Talk about heaven in your mouth. The cakes are offered in half-sheets with two layers. This includes one layer of 2 pounds worth of either cheesecake or chocolate mousse. The cake feeds roughly 48 people (or just me) and is only $18.99. By investing in a couple of $18.99 cakes, you have more to spend on your own personal bride/groom/party cake. And remember how I mentioned spring break earlier? Costco has their own travel agency. At a Costco price, you can set up your vacation/honeymoon/spring break to Aruba/Fiji/San Fransisco, etc. By being an Executive member, you should expect some solid deals -- whether it be in cash cards or room upgrades. Rumor has it that if you call the number on Costco's travel brochure, the deals are better. I haven't tried it, yet, so someone let me know if this is true!

Alright, what are you doing still reading this damn article? Go get your Costco membership! + Our President likes it, too!

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