Odyssey Community at National Storytellers SocietyNational Storytellers Society

National Storytellers Society

National Storytellers Society is an Odyssey community that is focused on giving its writers the freedom to speak their minds. We believe everyone should have a chance to use their voice to tell the stories they feel are most important. If you can write it, we can help you publish it. Our community is very talkative and loves to help one another with ideas. The connections made by being a part of our team can help you become a better writer and improve upon the way you produce, and promote your content. To apply visit http://bit.ly/nssodyssey


Kylie Semler Ivana Jarmon Sofia Benlaatmania Andre'-Mar'Quis Mitchell-Franklin Ramona Rhein Mackenzie Porter Brenda Barham Jennifer A. Leikensohn Kyle VanValkenburgh Jacqueline Capobianco Teela Sammons Andrea Schreckengast Andrew R. McKinley Rosemary Lesniak Sunshine Garses Marilyn M. Soper Charlie Kaplan A. Bradford Redmond Elizabeth Worth Shanice King Amanda Herrman DJ Cooper Alex Claycomb Jennifer Maddaleni Mandie Bednarik


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