The ABC's Of College
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Student Life

The ABC's Of College

College simplified using the alphabet!

The ABC's Of College
Oregon Gear Up

Alcohol: Regardless of where you go to school, there is going to be alcohol present. I am not going to lie and pretend like it isn't going to be there because it is. However, that does not mean you need to drink alcohol to fit in by any means. No one will judge you for obtaining from alcohol consumption, so do what makes you comfortable (when you are 21 of course).

Books: Over the course of your four years at college, you are going to spend an UNREAL amount of money on books. Each year when it is time to purchase your books you will get angry all over again as if you didn't know that books were going to be so costly. You did know. You just chose to ignore it. My advice is to do the smart thing and rent books from Amazon or Chegg so that you do not have to break your bank account on books that you will rarely use.

Classes: Yes, you may skip one from time to time or you may sleep too late and accidentally miss your class. However, classes are important and not going could result in bad grades and bad grades results in angry parents.

Dinning Hall: The dining hall may not produce the five star meals that you are use to but after a long day of class, you will be very thankful that the dining hall has a variety of foods for you to pick from. And the rumors are not true, it actually is okay for you to go to the dining hall and eat meals alone. People are not going to judge you.

Emails: As a college student, you are now part of a mass email list. In college you will receive an endless amount of emails from your school. 90% of the emails that you will receive, you will not actually care about. To be honest, I would be concerned if you received anything less than 6 emails a day (especially if you go to Stonehill).

Friends: At college you will meet some of the greatest friends that you will ever have. They will be there for you through the tough times and if you are a good friend you will be there for them as well. Make as many friends as you can!

Goals: It is always smart to set long term and short term goals in college. From personal experience I believe that it is easier to do well when you have a goal to work towards. There is no better feeling than accomplishing a goal that you have worked hard for.

Homework: Homework does not slow down when you get to college. It almost seems like the professors go out of their way to make sure they give you projects that are all due on the same day. Get your homework done on time so you do not fall behind in class. Makeup work is the last thing you want.

Independence: One of the greatest things about college is the sense of independence. For the first time you are on your own and have to prove to yourself and the world that you can do it all by yourself. Although scary at first, it is an unforgettable experience.

Journey: College is a journey that will shape you as a person. It is an life changing journey filled with many different opportunities that I highly encourage everyone to take advantage of.

Keys: The keys to your dorm room are very important. You will probably lose them at least three times in your four years at college, but thats OK. We are all in this together.

Llibrary: The library is not as scary as you may think. It is actually a great place to do your work if you need to print something or if you need a quiet place to study.

Money: Face the facts. You are going to be a broke college student. It happens to us all.

Nocturnal: This is completely applicable to the college life. As a college student, I find myself napping during the day so that I can stay up all night to study and do projects. This is the case for many students that prefer to work during the night time.

Organization: One of the most important things that I have learned at college is to stay organized. It is easier to study for tests, write papers and do projects if you have organized notes. Organization can go a long way when it comes to completing an assignment properly.

Professors: Your professors can be a very good resource throughout your college career and even after you graduate. Building a good relationship with your professors can benefit you immensely in the long run when it comes to job searches and possible recommendations.

Quiet Hours: You will most likely have a love hate relationship with quiet hours. From Thursday to Sunday you will defy the laws of quiet hours and play your music as loud as you want. However, from Monday to Wednesday you will question why people are making so much noise when you have so much work to do.

Rewarding: College will be what ever you make of it. Put in the work if you want the rewards.

Stonehill: S is obviously for Stonehill College because that is where I go to school. Stonehill is an amazing school and has provided me with so many great opportunities. I couldn't ask for a better school.

Time: Time is something that a college student never feels like they have enough of. Not enough time to write a paper. Not enough time to study for a test. Not enough time to spend with the people you love. Not enough time to get ready to go out. Regardless, time is of the essence and it should never be taken for granted.

Uber: I have heard nothing but good things about Uber from all of my friends that have utilized this helpful transportation app. I highly recommend that anyone and everyone that plans on indulging in off campus activities (that include alcohol) should invest in the Uber app. Drinking and driving is never the answer.

Voice: Have a voice in your college community. College is an amazing experience and having a voice in your community will help you, not only meet new people, but it will also allow you to voice your opinion on things that are important to you.

Weekends: Many people will say that the weekends are the best part of college and I am not going to argue with that. Per usual, weekends go by too fast and weekdays go by too slow. Take advantage of each weekend that you have and do something fun. Don't be lazy! Spend time with your friends on the weekends and take that time to decompress from the daily struggles that are "college."

X: The letter X reminds me of X's and O's (hugs and kisses). With that being said, I would like to dedicate the letter X to all of the hugs and kisses that you need to remember to give your parents every time you see them. College isn't only hard for you but it is emotionally hard for them as well. Let them know you love them when ever you get the chance and remember to thank them for the opportunities that they have given you.

You: College is about you. College is your experience and it is your opportunity to do what you want, the way that you would like to do it. Always remember that what ever you end up doing, you should end up doing something that makes YOU happy.

ZZZ: The letter Z is dedicated to sleep. Getting enough sleep in college is never easy. Between school work and social life, sleep normally suffers. Always remember to take care of yourself and to sleep as much as you can. When ever I don't get enough sleep I end up getting sick, which is even worse than being over tired.

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