Vans Warped Tour and Non-Profits: Not Your Average Festival
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Vans Warped Tour and Non-Profits: Not Your Average Festival

It's not just about the music. It's about the community and making positive change.

Vans Warped Tour and Non-Profits: Not Your Average Festival
Michelle McClanahan

In 1995, Kevin Lyman, the founder and operator of 4fini, a live event production company and brand strategy firm, had an idea. Lyman planned and launched the first ever Vans Warped Tour, which was designed to be a traveling music festival that showcased alternative and punk rock bands with a teenaged audience in mind. Over the years, Vans Warped Tour has grown to become the largest traveling music festival in North America and has rapidly diversified the genres of music the tour showcases. The tour has since expanded to include international dates in Europe and Australia.

The festival is known for the way it brings relatively obscure bands and wildly popular acts together into one massive, all-day show. It has even featured several well-known musical acts that might surprise you, including: Deftones, Billy Idol, Katy Perry, and Eminem. The sheer range of musical acts on the tour unites audiences of vastly different backgrounds and experiences. In recent years, Warped Tour has sold nearly half a million tickets.

However, what truly separates Vans Warped Tour from other music festivals is its heavy involvement with non-profit organizations and the sense of community that this inspires. This tour connects a deep love for music and entertainment with a powerful mission to change lives. Every year, numerous non-profits join the Warped Tour community. These organizations range in scale from local endeavors to nationally and internationally recognized efforts. All of them are brought together by their desire to reach out, involve, and inspire others to make a positive impact on the world. Here are a few examples of the incredible organizations that contribute to the Warped Tour community and experience:

Feed Our Children NOW!

Founded in Camden, New Jersey in 2007, this organization aims to address the growing problem of hunger in the United States by hosting food drives and working with low-income families to create more stable futures. At every tour date, tour goers are encouraged to bring donations of 3 canned goods, old cell phones, or a $5 donation in exchange for express entry into the venue. Their partnership with Vans Warped Tour enables them to collect tons of food in every city they visit, which is then donated to food banks local to the venue. During this year’s visit to Camden, New Jersey, they collected 11 tons of canned goods alone!

The Keep A Breast FoundationTM

This organization is the leading youth-focused, global, non-profit breast cancer organization. They focus on educating people on prevention, early-detection, and cancer-causing toxins in everyday environments. Their tour booth features educational materials as well as hands on learning experiences like their Breastology Bag that enables the participant to feel the difference between cancerous and non-cancerous lumps in breast shaped pillows. Plus, they sell an assortment of “I love boobies!” merchandise that spreads their message and directly finances their mission.

To Write Love On Her Arms

TWLOHA is an organization dedicated to finding help and support for those suffering from depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. They spread a message of hope for all of those struggling with these very real issues. TWLOHA has been attending Warped Tour since 2007, where it reaches millions of youth who have struggled, are struggling, or know someone struggling. This organization unfailingly works to tell everyone that hope is real, help is real, and that their story is important.

Music Saves Lives ®

Working hand in hand with health organizations, Music Saves Lives promotes the importance of blood donation and the bone marrow registry. This organization sponsors blood drives prior to Warped Tour dates where they offer backstage wristbands and VIP vouchers to individuals that donate blood. The implementation of this program encourages a significant amount of youth to become first time blood donors, as well as helps support the increased need for blood donations in the summer.

As a third-year tour goer, I am always impressed by the passion and diversity of interests the non-profits represent. I admit I don’t just go to Warped Tour for the music because there is so much more to it than your average music festival. It is about the experience, the community, and making a positive impact on the world through today’s youth. This tour is a haven for many individuals where they can walk with their heads held high and know that they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Vans Warped Tour has changed so many peoples’ lives for the better because of the support and sense of community it offers.

For more information on the non-profits on this year’s Vans Warped Tour visit them here!

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