Chicago's 5 Most Instagram-Able Food Spots | The Odyssey Online
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Chicago's 5 Most Instagram-Able Food Spots

From lunch to juice to coffee, we're finding it all

Chicago's 5 Most Instagram-Able Food Spots
Aleks Moore

After being away at college for almost a year, I've grown accustomed to an active and adventurous lifestyle. But I have come to realize that the North Shore of Chicago isn't as exciting as some of the places I've been lucky enough to travel to over the past year. So, while the North Shore isn't exciting, Chicago is. I live about 14 miles north of a major city, yet I never make the trek to get down there.

My friend and I have decided to start exploring the city a couple times a week by finding cute places to get lunch, dinner, dessert, or just coffee. Through a combination of Google and stalking Instagram's, we have compiled a list of places to try before the summer ends and so far we have only gone to a few. The few we have gone to, however, have been incredible and we haven't been disappointed yet.

1. Eataly.

Our most recent adventure. We had planned on going to another restaurant, which turned out to be closed, so we resorted to this equally great place. It is basically a giant eat-in grocery store. Two full stories stocked with both aisles of Italian oils, spreads, fresh produce, cheese -- everything. What's unique about it, though, is how it is a full service restaurant placed among all the groceries. We both ordered pizzas and I don't think I've had a better pizza anywhere other than Italy itself. After dinner, we wandered downstairs and ordered lattes while watching the Nutella bar serve crepe after crepe (which are also amazing). Definitely somewhere we will be going back to after bragging to everyone about how good it is.

2. Sawada Coffee.

This seems like a locals only place in the best way. Its one of those places you really have to know about to find since the door is a small metal slab covered in graffiti that is only partially propped. Even by having the address, you really have to find it. When we walked in, we saw that the coffee shop was a raised area in the front of what looked like an indoor Biergarten. The coffee shop part has lots of windows and bar-style seating facing outward. The coffee itself was actually very good and we also tried a green tea latte, which is pictured above.

3. Left Coast Food.

I have been waiting for the day we go back since the day we first tried this place. After living in Boulder for the past year, this place seemed a lot like being back at CU. Their menu is full of wraps and bowls and sandwiches all made with fresh vegetables and grains. Definitely a good place for vegans as well since there are multiple vegan options. I walked in and the first thing I saw on the menu was the "Boulderado" bowl. Coincidentally, it ended up being what I ate and I think it was meant to be.

4. Real Good Juice.

The name does not lie. It is, in fact, real good. They serve bottled juices, fresh juices, fresh smoothies, and make-your-own smoothies. I decided to make my own smoothie and after finishing it, I immediately went to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients to make it, and three weeks later, it has been my breakfast every day. It's probably a good thing I dont' live closer otherwise all my money would be going toward juice instead of Starbucks. Real Good Juice is a great treat for a summer day and I'm excited to try more flavors.

5. Heritage Bicycles.

This is the only place on this list I have already made it back to a second time. Though the name may say otherwise, it is a coffee shop. Don't worry, it is a bike shop too, but the front is entirely coffee. Usually full of people on laptops, it seems like a great place to sit and do work since as long as the drinks aren't ordered to go, they are served in a real mug (or mason jar with their logo). There is also plenty of outdoor seating for those occasional nice days in Chicago. If I lived closer I would much rather spend my study time at this coffee shop over any other.

For all the college kids coming back to the North Shore and finding themselves bored, you're not alone. But don't forget we live really close to one of the US's biggest cities and if you find the right places to go, it really isn't all that bad. This is just the first installment of hopefully a long list of fun places to eat and drink in Chicago. I cant wait to keep exploring this city while it's actually nice outside and we can.

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