7 Things You Absolutely Have To Do In Chicago
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7 Things You Absolutely Have To Do In Chicago

Take a trip to Chi-town.

7 Things You Absolutely Have To Do In Chicago

Chicago, nicknamed "Chi-Town," is a city of adventure. People come from all over to explore the views, architecture, food and general atmosphere. In most cases, a gust of wind will welcome you into the city. Here are seven reasons to visit:

1. The food

If you’ve traveled at all then, you know that most places will have a “signature” food. In the case of Chicago, the city is known for two things: deep-dish pizza and Chicago-style hot dogs. Forewarning, the pizza will taste very different to those from New York, but it does still manage to satisfy. However, go in expecting a 45-minute wait at any restaurant, as that’s how long it typically takes to make. The hot dogs, on the other hand, are a quick and easy meal, not to mention delicious. They're usually topped with pepper, relish, pickle, mustard, tomato, onion and celery salt (a weirdly good combo).

2. Willis Tower

A unique experience offered all year is visiting the sky deck of Willis Tower, the tallest building in North America. The views from the top span up to four states and interactive exhibits give a closer look. The ledge is a glass box that extends more than 4 feet from the sky deck, and it's more than 1,350 feet in the air.

3. The Blackhawks

Something you’ll realize pretty quickly into your trip is that the people of Chicago are very big on hockey. If you're visiting between the months of October and April, then you'll have the opportunity to attend a game. The crowd is invested and, therefore, loud, creating an atmosphere in which you can’t help but cheer along. You may find yourself becoming a fan of a team you've never even liked or kept up with before.

4. The bean

Cloud Gate, nicknamed "the bean," is an outdoor art piece that manages to reflect the entire Chicago skyline in its stainless steel exterior. Basically it’s the perfect spot to take a selfie of yourself with your traveling partners.

6. Navy Pier

The pier is the perfect place to turn when you can’t think of anything else to do. While shopping is a big part of it, there are also rides, daily cruises and events that are free. Concerts and fireworks take place every week during the summer.

7. Broadway

Shows in Chicago are often way cheaper than the NYC shows. Some may be surprised that the quality tends to be just as good. So go ahead and enjoy a night at the theater.

8. Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Institute is perfect for a stroll through the past, with pieces telling historical truths in their own ways. Browse a collection of more than 300,000 works of art and become a master critic by the end of it.

9. Shedd Aquarium

First of all, who doesn't love an aquarium? This particular one tops most, however, with its building design and location by the water. Currently, there is a kids-only election to name the newborn dolphin calf. *Family friendly alert

10. Chicago Air and Water Show

This show happens once a year in Chicago, and the best is that it's completely free. The next one will be taking place on Aug. 20–21. Expect demonstrations to be given by aircrafts, boats and diving teams.

11. Chicago riverwalk

One of the best things to do at night is head down to the riverwalk. It is a waterfront by the south bank of the Chicago River with many restaurants and attractions. Hit the fishing piers and then make your way down to the City Winery.

Every city is different, so it won’t hurt to take a trip to Chicago and compare it to the other places you’ve been. Think of it as a homework assignment, figuring out where you may want to live in the future. In my perspective, it's the perfect place to spend your post-college years.

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