CBD Oil India has been the ‘talk’ of the town in recent times.
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Health and Wellness

CBD Oil India has been the ‘talk’ of the town in recent times.


CBD Oil India has been the ‘talk’ of the town in recent times. The oil has shown its magical properties in the medical field. The plant often associated with the term “high” is derived from a plant naturally occurring in the environment.

It is for the medicinal properties of the plant on mental and physical health that the CBD oil India has gained popularity. The plant has shown potent properties on pain and gives way to relaxation. Where does the plant come from? How can it be used for the treatment of depression? Let us find out.

What is CBD oil India?

CBD full form is Cannabidiol which is derived from the cannabis sativa plant. The same plant is referred to as marijuana or hemp in the popular languages. The plant is also a source of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a super active ingredient that is associated with the term, “high”.

CBD oil India and THC are the descendents of one plant. However, the difference lies in the effects of the same.

Where THC is gives you the effect of senselessness or euphoria, CBD is not the drama and relieves pain.

It is for the relaxing properties of CBD that it has been a point of study for the researchers. Recent studies have found the efficacy of the plant in the treatment of:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Chronic pain
  • Addiction
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Depression: The Menace for Life

Depression is a mental health illness characterised by a consistently sad mood or a loss of interest in activities, resulting in considerable daily impairment.

It has been a pressing issue since the advent of the modern age. Research and treatment have proved to be effective for the treatment of the condition. One such possible treatment is Marijuana.

The Efficacy of CBD Oil India in the Treatment of Depression

At this time, there is some evidence that CBD may aid in the treatment of depression.

CBD has been proven in studies to have effects on the serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, stress, and emotion control. Antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) act by modifying serotonin levels in the brain.

Depression is likely linked to low serotonin levels. CBD may influence how your brain's chemical receptors respond to the serotonin that's already in your system, rather than increasing serotonin levels.

CBD Vs. Antidepressants: Which is Better?

A study has found that the effect of CBD oil India has been long lasting as compared to other medications. In addition, the substance is faster in showing effects than the others.

Another benefit of the same on other antidepressants is that it may have fewer side effects. Having said that, it must be noted that if one is under medications already for depression or is seeking the consumption of CBD, it must be done only after the recommendation of the doctor.

The Side Effects of Using CBD

There are not many side-effects one faces on using weed in India under medical guidance, however a few of them are:

  • Appetite change
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea

Other side effects have not been known probably due to the lack of medicinal studies on the same.Never take a substance or medication for treatment without consulting a doctor. It will minimise the risk of uninvited side effects.

What if I get Addicted to It?

Addiction is described as the continuing use of a substance despite the knowledge that it has negative repercussions and is difficult to control in one's life. Unlike the psychoactive chemical THC found in marijuana, pure CBD does not provide a "high." According to the World Health Organization, there is no proof that CBD use, dependency, or public health consequences are caused by it.

Even while pure CBD is not considered an addictive chemical, CBD products may contain THC, which may be addictive. Because these products are sold as supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA. Whether you're worried about CBD's addiction potential, see your doctor to see if it's right for you.

Is CBD Oil India Legal? Where to get It?

CBD oil manufactured under the act of 1940 is legal to be used. However, the same has not been put much into use. The sale of the CBD is allowed in states it is legal. It is sold under various brand names.

If one goes for the purchase of cannabis, make sure it is a trusted pharmacy and brand. Consult your medical professional for better advice.

Concluding Note

CBD is becoming increasingly popular as a therapy for a wide range of diseases, including depression. If you want to try CBD, you must talk to your doctor first.

While testing have shown that the chemical is generally harmless, it does have the potential to interact with medications. It's a good idea to review any medicines or supplements you're taking before starting CBD.

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