Captain America: Civil War, A Reflection Of American Politics
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Captain America: Civil War, A Reflection Of American Politics

A look at the politics behind civil war.

Captain America: Civil War, A Reflection Of American Politics

Captain America: Civil War. This is the movie expected to make waves this season with fans anxiously counting down the days to see how the iconic story line will be brought to life on the big screen. However, something that is very prevalent in the United States today, more than just your average run-of-the-mill superhero film Marvel projects, comes to mind: partisanship.

That’s right, once you get past the luster and allure that is brought by the hand-to-hand combat of our most beloved superheroes as they go head-to-head, you realize it can be considered a form of American politics. Perhaps one might be able to envision it as a larger debate, with a lack of moderators. Who would otherwise be able to intervene when the argument goes beyond the point of verbosities.

Now how exactly can such a correlation to American politics be made? Well, to answer, almost immediately scenes from the film, even that from the mere trailer, present a very particular tone of tension. In one trailer we see the face of Chris Evans as he portrays Captain Steve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America, lost in thought and appearing almost despondent from his co-star Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man, who remarks to Evans “Sometimes, I just want to punch you in your perfect teeth”.

A tone of dissension from two men who have otherwise cooperated on a number of issues! Brought to the point of a nearly threatening based remark, as the men make their views known, and as those views grower stronger.

This divide is not unfounded in American politics, government or in society. It would not be the first time in history in which an American threatened another because of a lack of alignment in their political views. However, this is still an odd spectacle to be seen in a genre of film which is so focused on high paced action. So, why is it that this fictional political issue plays such a pivotal role in this blockbuster?

It begins with the Superhuman Registration Act or the SRA. Essentially, this piece of legislative action calls for all, and any who may be classified under that of “superhuman,” release their identities to the government (but not to the public.) Which in turn would thwart any prior or future efforts of super-humans in the concealment of their identities.

The conception of such an act comes after cataclysmic events, which have put heroes on the frontline, have resulted in catastrophic ruin, and what must be an unrecordable number of casualties. The movie depicts an aura of low favorability for the actions and a level of accountability for superheroes in the wake of “recent” events, which have uprooted villages and practically decimated towns. It is made clear that there is a high rise in the opinion that superheroes should be held much more accountable for their actions.

In the terms of support and opposition, Iron Man and Captain America serve as the poster boys. With Iron Man leading the side that stands in support for the enforcement of the Superhuman Act, and Captain America at the helm for the side which stands in firm opposition to the act. The argument encompassing the legislation intensifies and so does the involvement of other superheroes in the debate.

As revealed through a rung of multiple promotional opportunities we see the line-up of the two teams (political factions) in the upcoming film. In his efforts, Iron Man gains a sizable following from the likes of War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, The Vision and Spider-Man. Captain America leads into the fight with the support of Hawkeye, Sharon Carter, Falcon, Bucky Barnes, Ant-Man and Scarlet Witch. With both teams packing heavy and valuable assets and artillery, the outcome is sure to be a sight to behold.

How can we forego the thought, however, of what if our reality were met with these same issues in this country. Would the topic be as divisive? Would it be the product of riots or end up a Supreme Court case, rather than an almost immediate call to blood spilling action? A question that certainly rouses my thoughts in relation to modern politics is if such a matter as the Superhuman Registration Act were to exist, how would the ideals of these heroes align with our two party system here in America? In other words would the exertions on either side of the issue be Democratic or Republican?

After the overview of what a Superhuman Registration Act would entail, it is apparent that it would definitely put much more decision making power in the hands of the government. Hypothetically, if such an act ever came into fruition, not only would it provide the United States government with the absolute autonomy in deciding what qualifies as a “superhuman,” but it might also serve as precedent to further any advances in the surveillance and monitoring of superhumans as the government might see fit.

This is notwithstanding the fact that superhumans would already have had to forfeit their identities. “Surveillance” and “Monitoring” are just a few buzzwords that might ring a bell with Americans, causing them to recall the USA Patriot Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, no more than two months after the 9/11 attacks. The Patriot Act has been a largely controversial issue regarding privacy and has even been the topic of several campaigns in the 2016 election year with candidates such as Senator Ted Cruz (R), claiming that reauthorizing the law without changes being made ”is not acceptable.”

In recent years privacy has become a largely conservative cause. Now, while Democrats respect and enjoy their privacy just as much as anyone, their platform usually aligns with views that favor a stronger central government, along with more involved government roles. Seeing as the Superhuman act will allow more power to the government in determining the accountability and the consequences of registered super-humans, it relates more to ideals that are held by the Democratic party.

With Captain America/ Steve Rogers opposing the SRA, I’d say his endeavors would be deemed as a more Republican cause. As he ventures to ensure the concealment of identities and the independence of superhuman actions. While Iron Man/ Tony Stark strongly advocates for the act, it may be safe to say that his encouragement of a more influential and involved government is more than likely agreeable to most Democrats in the real world of American politics.

Despite the divisiveness (both in this country and in the film) that this article addresses, I believe that one unilateral agreement may be presented and that is, whether you are #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan, May 6 will surely be worth the wait when Captain America: Civil War premieres world wide. May the world watch as this political discourse turns into a high action, nail biting feud.

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