A Beginner's Guide To Meditation | The Odyssey Online
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A Beginner's Guide To Meditation

Some tips on how to de-stress and have a good summer!

A Beginner's Guide To Meditation

Despite the skepticism around the metaphysical, some aspects of the universal practice of taking a breath can be beneficial to you as a human being. When the word meditation is heard, the first image that comes to mind is Guru Pathik from Avatar the Last Airbender. Despite the stereotyping, meditation has become increasingly popular over the years. In the U.S. alone, about eight percent of adults (about 18 million people) meditate in their daily lives. Not only do adults meditate, but children as well! As of 2012, there was around a 202,000 child increase of meditation practices among the youth from the original statistics taken in 2007. Meditation is beneficial in many ways, not only spiritually, but biologically as well. In 2010, Harvard neurosurgeons experimented with mindfulness meditation’s effect on the brain by subjecting 16 people to an eight-week program. Upon scanning their brains before and after the program, there was a beneficial increase in grey matter concentration in the areas of the brain that deal with the regulations of emotions, as well as memory.

This avant garde interest in more ‘organic’ ways of living has become hip and trendy this year and according to science, might not be such a bad thing. In order to keep up with the times, here’s a go-to ‘Beginners Guide on Meditation’ that can help you get started on getting that spiritual ‘hot summer bod’:

Come up with a daily schedule.

With great need comes great responsibility. Meditation is a bit of a daily discipline, so whether you take five minutes out of your day or 20, it’ll be easier to sit down for a spell when you’re used to it. Maybe replace something that has had a negative effect on your life with this positive event.

Find a good posture.

Meditating can come in many forms. A personal practice of mine is walking a labyrinth or just laying down for a bit (hopefully without falling asleep!). The common practice is to sit criss-cross-applesauce with your back straight and your hands in your lap. However, if you’re sitting at a desk, you can meditate from there as well!

Come up with an intention.

There are many different types of meditations. It all just depends on what you’d like to accomplish. The most popular meditation among Buddhists is “Mindfulness of Breathing (anapana sati) and Loving Kindness Meditation (metta bhavana)”.

Look up guided meditations.

The internet is a beautiful thing. With a simple search of "guided meditations," you will find an ocean of wonderful guided meditations that will help ease you in.

Pinterest an inspo board.

Pinterest has its many uses, and just like any workout, creating an inspo board for meditation can prove to be beneficial.

Don’t forget to breathe.

Meditation is here to help calm you and develop that inner peace that a lot of people search for. The act of meditation involves a helluva lot of inhaling and exhaling, so breathing is a good thing to be conscious of. Don’t be too worried about it though–you’ve been breathing all your life and you aren’t about to stop now.

Patience is key.

It’s very easy to become discouraged when it comes to meditation. Start off with five-minute sessions before you try to amp up your time. Practice makes perfect, after all. It's alright to get discouraged, but don't let that stop you! You’ll be okay!
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