25 Things You Must Do Before You Leave Bradley University
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25 Things You Must Do Before You Leave Bradley University

You MUST do these before you're allowed to graduate Bradley University.

25 Things You Must Do Before You Leave Bradley University
Bradley University

Before I can even begin this list of fun and exciting things students must do before they graduate from Bradley University, I have to preface with the fact that most of these are my experiences in my five semesters at BU and one abroad in London. These are memories and moments that I’ll take with me for the rest of my life. I will tell my kids about them. So without further ado, here are the 25 things every Bradley University student should do before they graduate

1. Get out of your comfort zone.

Before you can get to any of the other numbers on this list, you must get out of your comfy high school mindset. This is college! It's the place to re-invent yourself if you want to. So be bold and take risks. Don’t be afraid, everyone is in the same boat as you.

2. Take advantage of EVERYTHING Bradley has to offer.

Bradley has more than 240 student organizations, with 60 of those dedicated to student leadership and community service. The possibilities to get involved are endless! If you don’t happen to like any of those 240 options, you can always create your own club (We are definitely in need of a Nutella club…just saying…).

3. Explore Peoria.

One thing living in London has taught me is that there are so many hidden nooks and crannies waiting to be discovered! Go out and get to know Peoria more. One of my best memories is going down to the river with two of my best friends on the first really warm day of spring. We just wandered around down town and laid in the sun on the riverbank – it was so incredibly peaceful.

4. Take a snapshot with Kaboom and Lydia.

As Nike would say: “Just do it.”

5. Free food galore!

Please take advantage of the free food that’s around every corner at Bradley. Late Night BU? Yeah, along with all the food at the beginning of the event, there will alwaysbe pizza at midnight; it may or may not be my favorite thing ever. This brings me to the next point:

6. Bring your roomie pizza, no matter where they are.

I had been spending many lonely hours in the library studying (as students do) and felt the sharp pang of hunger coming on (The horror!). So, I texted my roomie and asked her if there was any way she could bring me some food. She brought me pizza. PIZZA! It makes me tear up thinking about it.

7. Be Proactive.

Get things done. Work hard, study harder, and remember that an all-nighter will only make you stronger.

8. Watch the sun rise in the Cullom-Davis Library.

Spending a night in the library will most definitely be a trippy experience for you (I spent 14 hours there once…), but watching the golden sunrise over campus will make your sleepy self extremely happy.

9. Support your fellow students.

See plays, improv shows, band and orchestra concerts, basketball and soccer games. Go to Greek Week events, participate and be a presence on campus. Learn about all the amazing things that your peers are creating. It will make you appreciate life.

10. Go to the Morton Pumpkin Festival.

This needs no explanation.

11. Challenge your beliefs and values.

You’re on your own for the first time ever. Being around diverse views and beliefs may make you question everything you’ve known for the last 18 years. It’s OK. Let it happen. I have grown so much over the past three years because I continue to question everything. Change is scary, but staying stagnant is scarier. That being said:

12. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t believe.

College is amazing, but it is also a time where young adults are going through vulnerable periods of change. It is going to be easy for someone who is unsettled in their own skin to force their ideas on you. Take them with a grain of salt and move on.

13. Have movie nights with your friends.

Sitting down to a scary movie with three boxes of Papa John’s, or a few pints of Ben and Jerry’s (or both) is an incredible way to bond with your buddies. Going out is fun, but it’s also perfectly OK to just stay in and hang with your pals.

14. Attend floor events.

Get to know your R.A. and the people on your floor. These girls and guys could end up being some of your best friends, but you’ll never know if you stay locked up in your room all day!

15. Host a party in your dorm!

They are actually the BEST. We fit 17 people into our Geisert dorm room for Hanukkah freshman year! I still don’t know how that happened, but it was one of the best memories I have from my first year on the Hilltop.

16. Befriend your professors.

It’s extremely rare to get such personal attention at a university of our size, and yet we do. Go to your professor’s office hours and just chat. They will help you with anything you need both academically and personally.

17. Have at least four costumes ready for Halloween.

Trust me. This doesn’t mean go and buy four brand new, full-piece costumes. Mixing and matching is the way to go! Be prepared to have the best weekend of yo’ life!

18. Have school spirit!

No one likes a grumpy pants. Get out there and belt our fight song as loud as you possibly can! Also, get your booty over to the lighting of the B during homecoming, it’s so fun and you get a free shirt. Hayoo!

19. Go stargaze on the quadrangle.

Another one of my best memories. Indescribable.

20. Consider going Greek.

I can’t begin to tell you how my sorority has changed my life. I have befriended people from all over Bradley University, been opened up to so many opportunities to give back to my community, and became a stronger leader. If anything, at least go through Rush. You’ll meet so many cool cats who are experiencing every emotion that you are.

21. Date. Drink. Dance.

Figure out what you will and will not accept in a partner.Learn your limits, find your drink of choice, and learn how to be responsible. And dance like nobody’s watching! These things will make you stronger, happier, and more equipped to tackle this great big world.

22. Call your parents every day.

We will never be able to repay them for doing all that they do for us, but at least I know that I can start by saying ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you’ on the phone every day.

23. Study abroad.

If there is any way possible for you to study in another country, DO IT. You will learn so much about yourself and grow in ways you can never imagine. I know I will never forget my experiences in London for as long as I live.

24. Make friends with as many people as possible.

This isn’t high school anymore. Humble yourself and genuinely get to know the people with whom you have the pleasure of sharing this university.

25. Be fully yourself.

Stop holding yourself back. Put yourself out there. Voice your opinion. Make a joke. Wear what you want to wear. Take the salsa class. Choose the major YOU are passionate about. Become a vegan. Protest. Sing. Live the life that you imagine for yourself. It’s easy to get held up on other people’s opinions and judgments, but you must fight. Don’t stifle yourself, because what kind of life is that?

When you do these things and make your own incredible memories at Bradley University, then you may finally graduate.
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