I Love God And Gay People, Too
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I Love God And Gay People, Too

I'm sitting here scratching my head and wondering why equality is still under debate in 2015.

I Love God And Gay People, Too

Gay marriage can be looked at from two perspectives: biblical and constitutional, and while many people say the bible is interpretive, I have to disagree. The bible is very clear when it says that there is one man for every woman, but it also teaches us to love one another with the unconditional nature in which God loves us. Jesus never hung out with the people who considered themselves "perfect;" he spent time with the prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, liars, gossips and other sinners.

Many Christians, myself included, are wondering if they are "bad Christians" for believing that homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else. But I think it's not really about the right to marry; it's about rights, period. I looked at the issue from both sides and came to the same conclusion I had thought all along: even though I believe it's not right to redefine the institution of marriage, and that being gay is a sin like any other, I still think they deserve the same constitutional rights as every other American.

From a biblical perspective, Jesus tells us to love everyone in His image. This is so much easier said than done. It's easy to love your family and friends, but it's not easy to be kind to someone whose sins are 'worse' than yours. But I'm here to tell you that our little white lie is no different from any other sin we may deem as "worse." Although I believe that homosexuality is wrong, I don't love gay people any less than someone who is straight. Marriage is a sacred institution from God, even though a gay couple can now be married, and I still don't dislike them for doing something that's against the bible, because I personally sin every single day. We are all guilty of being a little too prideful. Christians usually do not express their sins to the world, making it easier to think of gay people as being more sinful than themselves. In the end, no sin is better or worse than another.

"Let the one who is sinless cast the first stone," says Jesus, and we are definitely not sinless. If Jesus were here to speak to speak to the gay community he would still call them His children and tell them of His love; we should try and do the same.

From a constitutional stance, I have a hard time understanding why marriage equality was really such a big deal to begin with. The constitution is very clear: "all men are created equal," regardless of if it's two men or two women, or African Americans, or women voting, etc. This whole debate has been about whether or not this "group" of people has the same rights as everyone else; and even as a Christian, it makes me sad to know that there are still people fighting for the right to have the same rights the rest of us have.

The Supreme Court has seen over 25 cases where an individual or a group was asking to be seen as equal. These 25 rulings have relatively the same verdict, yet that question is still being put on trial. Our country was founded upon the pursuit of liberty and freedom, and after more than 200 years we are still wondering if a group that's a little different than us deserves what we deserve. Years after slavery, women's rights, and Civil Rights debates, Americans are still questioning why women don't have the same rights as men, or why African Americans are still being treated differently. I keep hearing, "I can't believe that was ever a question. They're people like everyone else." In 50 years, this is what future generations will say about gay marriage debates, and hopefully then our nation will finally have full equality.

I think that after examining both sides, I still believe in what I thought before: I'm not going to look down on someone because their sin is 'different' than mine, and I'm sitting here scratching my head and wondering why equality is still under debate in 2015.

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