The College Student’s Guide to the 2016 Election
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The College Student’s Guide to the 2016 Election

Because our voices matter, too.

The College Student’s Guide to the 2016 Election

With primaries approaching in just a couple of months, it's down to the end of the wire for both Democratic and Republican hopefuls for the 2016 election. The drama is all over the news, but most people at home just want to know what each candidate really stands for. It's hard for the common college kid to take the time out of his or her busy schedule to peel through the fluff and find the candidates' real stances on issues that matter. I've decided to try to make it easier for everyone. FiveThirtyEight Politics pointed out the top issues of the voting population, so I've compiled some fast facts about each top-bill candidate and their perspectives on each of the issues.

Because there are tons of hopefuls in this year’s race, I will be splitting my research up into a three-part series titled: “The College Student’s Guide to the 2016 Election.”

The first part, posted below, highlights three candidates, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump.

I like to call this segment, “The Old-Fashioned American.”

Though Carson hasn't yet outlined specific plans on how he plans to accomplish many of the goals he has outlined, he has gained much popularity in recent polls. Cruz, on the other hand, has extremely detailed plans for things like taxes and immigration. And last, but certainly not least, Trump has been the focus of the most headlines, stirring up questions in both liberals and conservatives alike on what can really be done to "make America great again."

Ben Carson (R)

Highest Position Held: Pediatric neurosurgeon, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Fast Facts: Balanced Budget Amendment, does not acknowledge climate change, pro-life, against same-sex marriage, repeal Obamacare, healthcare as a state-level decision, no pathway to citizenship.

The Economy: Carson plans to solicit and utilize feedback from citizens on government services and agency policies to give the American people what they want. Solidly, though, Carson supports a Balanced Budget Amendment and tithing at 15 percent.

Environment and Science: Carson's sole thoughts on this subject include, "Climate change is what happens when temperatures fluctuate."

Education: Carson believes the best education is homeschool, followed by private schools, charter schools, and, lastly, public schools. One of his main goals is to investigate political bias at university level, something that many college students notice on a daily basis.

Social Issues: Carson is pro-life - He actually hopes the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade. Under his legislation, Carson wants to ban abortion after 20 weeks. Furthermore, relating to classic American values and sentiments, Carson wishes to reverse the recent trend of secular progressives that use activist, federal judges to drive faith out of American society. Carson opposes same-sex marriage, supports the legalization of marijuana for medical use, and agrees with equipping police officers with body cameras.

Healthcare: Carson wants to repeal and replace Obamacare, and wants to modernize Medicare to keep pace with medical advances by gradually increasing the eligibility age (by 2 months each year) until it reaches age 70. Carson believes that healthcare control should be returned to individual states.

Carson's Plans for National Security, Foreign Policy, and Defeating ISIS:

1. Continue to confront China in South China Sea

2. Corner Putin by arming Ukraine and reducing oil dependence

3. Take a stronger stance against Chinese cyber-attacks

4. Back Israel and follow what Netanyahu wants on Iran

5. No limits to gun ownership, except in cases of insanity

6. Maintain U.S. military presence in Afghanistan

7. Eradicate ISIS as quickly and efficiently as possible


Carson supports the use of a guest worker program, wishing to model America's program after Canada's guest worker program. He does not support a pathway to citizenship. To secure the border, Carson plans to use drones to destroy smuggler hide-outs on Mexican border.

Ted Cruz (R)

Highest Position Held: US Senator (Texas)

Fast Facts: Simple Flat Tax, against Common Core, defund Planned Parenthood, opposes same-sex marriage, repeal Obamacare, against Iran Nuclear Deal, tough on immigration

The Economy: Cruz proposes a Simple Flat Tax, which transforms personal income tax into a single low rate of 10 percent. The first $36,000 earned will be tax-free for family of 4+. Child Tax Credit will remain in place. The Simple Flat Tax expands and modernizes the Earned Income Tax Credit with greater anti-fraud and pro-marriage reforms. Furthermore, all businesses, big and small, will have a flat tax of 16% Besides this tax plan, Cruz plans to abolish the IRS and re-institute President Reagan’s Grace Commission to assess federal spending levels and evaluate areas of waste and fraud. He wants to hold Congress accountable by enacting a strong Balanced Budget Amendment and requiring that a majority of members approve any major, cost-inducing regulation. Cruz plans to ign the REINS Act to ensure that Congress approves of any regulation or rule that would have an impact of $100 million or more.

Environment and Science: Cruz wishes to abolish the Department of Energy altogether.

Education: Cruz is against Common Core, a hot-button issue of the 2016 election. He plans to abolish the US Department of Education, returning educational decisions to parents, teachers, local communities, and states, and remove Affirmative Action from college decisions

Social Issues: Cruz's biggest goal is to offer real solutions to lift people out of hardship and empower Americans by promoting the dignity of work and reforming programs such as Section 8 housing. He also wants to defund Planned Parenthood, and opposes same-sex marriage.

Healthcare: Cruz plans to repeal Obamacare.

National Security, Foreign Policy, and Defeating ISIS: Cruz is against the Iran Nuclear Deal, and instead wants to toughen sanctions on Iran to safeguard America. He plans to provide defensive weapons for Ukraine against Russia, and arm the Kurds to fight ISIS, with US air support.

Cruz's Plan for Immigration:

1. Build wall on Mexican border

2. Triple the number of border patrol agents

3. Increase vital aerial surveillance and other technology along the border

4. Finish the biometric tracking system at our nation’s ports of entry

5. No amnesty

6. Increase deportations, especially criminal immigrants, and end catch-and-release

7. Dismantle sanctuary cities

8. Prohibit illegal immigrants from receiving financial benefits and strengthen E-Verify

9. Halt any increases in legal immigration so long as American unemployment remains unacceptably high

10. End birthright citizenship

Donald Trump (R)

Highest Position Held: President of The Trump Organization

Fast Facts: Reform tax code, does not believe in climate change, against Common Core, defund Planned Parenthood, pro-life, same-sex marriage as state-level decision, repeal Obamacare, tough on immigration

The Economy: Trump plans to lower the corporate tax rate to 15 percent. He believes citizens who are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, should not owe any income tax. All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets (0, 10, 20 and 25 percent) instead of the current 7. Trump plans to eliminate the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), repeal the death tax, and make it a requirement to hire American workers before immigrant workers.

Environment and Science: Trump does not believe in climate change, and supports abolishing the EPA.

Education: Trump is against Common Core, and plans to abolish the US Department of Education. He also supports cutting student loan interest rates.

Social Issues: Trump wants to defund Planned Parenthood and ban abortions after 20 weeks with exceptions for rape, incest, or health. He believes that same-sex marriage is a state-level decision. However, Trump does support Affirmative Action.

Healthcare: Trump plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with Health Savings Accounts.

Trump's Plans for National Security, Foreign Policy, and Defeating ISIS:

1. Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator

2. Protect American ingenuity and investment by forcing China to uphold intellectual property laws and stop their unfair and unlawful practice of forcing U.S. companies to share proprietary technology with Chinese competitors as a condition of entry to China’s market

3. Reclaim millions of American jobs and reviving American manufacturing by putting an end to China's illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards

4. Strengthen the U.S. military and deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas

5. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice

6. Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria

7. Diplomacy and respect crucial to America's relationship with Russia

8. Gun ownership makes US safer, not more dangerous

9. Mental health more important than gun control

Trump's Plan for Immigration:

1. Build a wall on the Mexican border, paid for by the Mexican government

2. Triple the number of ICE officers

3. Use a nationwide e-verify system

4. Mandatory return of all criminal undocumented immigrants

5. Detention instead of catch-and-release

6. Defund sanctuary cities

7. Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa

8. End birthright citizenship

Check back next week for the second segment, which will highlight "The Innovators" of the 2016 Election!

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