Are You SuperMoon Ready?
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Are You SuperMoon Ready?

Calling All Spirituals!

Are You SuperMoon Ready?
A Celebration Of Women

"Supermoon" was coined by the astrologist, Richard Noelle over thirty years ago.

Known as a perigee moon in the scientific community, this phenomenon occurs because the distance in the moon’s orbit as it passes Earth is at its closest point, bringing the moon about 50,000 km closer than at apogee, when the moon passes furthest from Earth. Visually, the moon looks closer to 20 percent larger, and will have an impactful effect on tides.

It’s become a habit of us humans to search for deeper, spiritual, meaning behind mechanical, celestial occurrences such as the supermoon approaching on November 14th. Since man was capable of gazing into the cosmos, he has sought closure in galactic fables, and folklore. Various religious and spiritual customs have also sprout from such observable occurrences, and have thus given rise to the magical, chakra induced, culture we spiritual folk adore.

A full moon is thought to be a powerful time for meditation, energy healing, and recharging human energy fields and chakras. It’s believed that the full moon shines down such an abundance of pure energy, anything it touches is imbued with incredible radiance and love. The supermoon is thereby thought to possess the power to amplify this phenomenon, and make it even stronger.

Energy healing during this potent time can bring about mind-blowing results. The unbeatable illumination the supermoon is thought to provide is not only physical, but on the soul level as well. Lighting up corners of the subconscious and giving those who access it, insights into their emotions, their souls and their paths, spirituals will find it beneficial to take advantage of the period.

Many astrologers suggest taking part in traditions such as moon-bathing; taking a walk sprinkled in moonlight, soaking up the white light, or even sleeping in the light to absorb rays all night. Crystals are a common practice; harnessing the moon’s energy in a crystal for your own use. Prayers are even thought to be more powerful, regardless of faith, therefore it is encouraged to seek good health for you, loved ones, and even strangers.

Of course, I see these practices as a hunka-chunk-of-BOGUS. I don’t really see how the position of a rock orbiting the planet can really influence our spiritual relationships with ourselves and life in general, but I guess it’s safe to say that I don’t know everything, and maybe us scientists, and logic centric individuals are missing something big.

Nonetheless, don’t miss the closest supermoon since 1948, this Monday, November 14, 2016, (also my nineteenth birthday; not to brag but…). Steer clear of city glare, and check it out!

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